Hypothetical question?


Well-Known Member
What might be the worth of REAL Northern Lights circa 1995-1998 (seeds/ cuttings)? Curious as to what might be the demand for such a beast?
Very grower dependent imo. To the new generation its not that alluring, they want the hype of the day, pretty instagram stuff. Older heads would be more interested, but that group generally is not willing to pay silly prices. Outside of a few folk here and there that focus on maintaining old lines, its really a nostalgia hook more than anything. Again, all just my opinion!
If it was from nevils work not the usa only stuff they be worth more as his lines were the best nl lines going as others say there worth what folk will pay for em however that points worth remembering hell even the nl crew ordered nl seeds from him even tho they had the us versions that says alot imo