Hypothetically, How much would you sell this for?


Well-Known Member
I yielded 24.8 grams of alright stuff. I have been telling people 260. Is that too expensive, cheap, just right?
I d not do this often just looking for a little insight..thanks


Active Member
A legal Clinic will sell that to someone with a card for around 250-350 depending on strain.If its not a Kush i would get it for about 280.


Active Member
Ther are many types of kush... some of the normal ones like pineapple or mango or some other hybrids are around 280.. but ones like bubba and master and OG are pretty much always over 300.

those are my top ones...
Indica for life.
Nothing tops OG.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Ther are many types of kush... some of the normal ones like pineapple or mango or some other hybrids are around 280.. but ones like bubba and master and OG are pretty much always over 300.

those are my top ones...
Indica for life.
Nothing tops OG.
thas what i want to fucking hear.. im growing bubba + og kush. i time growing it


Active Member
only thing i dont like about them is yield...
favorite smoke but least favorite to grow... and OG doesnt do well outside... its meant to be compact and tiny.
bigger it grows the looser the bud gets.
but thats what makes it so great. it puts the THC of a 5ft plant into a 3ft plant lol.
1 hit wonder if done right.


Active Member
And any of the "fruit" kushes were bred with sativas for the taste. thats why they sell for less, cause you can grow more of it on each plant (And grow well outside. like pineapple kush. great yielder). normally a 60/40 split of sativa/indica.


Active Member
Okay, i shouldnt talk about this anymore, but that needs to be cleared up...

nothing in life is worth selling for less than 15-20% markup.
nothing should be, let alone a crop that had months of love and labor into it.
Growers pour their hearts into this.
To me its priceless
Like a good wine. :-)

Its basic sales, so caregivers will not sell an ounce for 200 unless they got the lb for around 1800-2000
(which is the lowest quality you can get pretty much)

im done with this thread before i get myself or others in trouble.

(mmmmm the flavor of OG is stuck in my mind)

Hope everyones crops are doing great :-)
Keep pouring your heart out.


Well-Known Member
I sell my whole crop for 200 an ounce, all 5 lbs. I think 16000 every 8 weeks is gud. why not let sum one else make sum money to and smoke sum gud chronic. If anything the clubs are the criminals. I could sell it to them for 3800 and they will charge 325 a zip.


Active Member
Clubs are primarily trying to sell to people who it can actually help. there are people that use it recreationally that get a card for that, but most are legitimate.
Clinics are trying to do this as morally sound as possible. they dont want kids and teens smoking their weed. or people who just wanna party.
How is that criminal :-\

the higher price is worth knowing its:

  1. grown by people who care...
  2. flushed properly
  3. has been concentrated on with pure love
  4. and grown with the intention to improve the quality of someones life.

not for 100% money.

I know id rather get it from someone with a good heart rather than someone trying to push out weight and who only want money. those people dont care what happens once its out of their hands.

And that is morally wrong.
To do anything for purely money without taking an responsibility of where it ends up is wrong. No matter what the product is.

But the fact that its generally illegal has brought this beautiful art form into the hands of corrupt people...
Who dont give a shit.

I guess what im trying to say is that clinics are improving the culture and future of weed.

Not criminal...

Sorry for stealing this thread. :-(


Well-Known Member
Clubs are primarily trying to sell to people who it can actually help. there are people that use it recreationally that get a card for that, but most are legitimate.
Clinics are trying to do this as morally sound as possible. they dont want kids and teens smoking their weed. or people who just wanna party.
How is that criminal :-\

the higher price is worth knowing its:

  1. grown by people who care...
  2. flushed properly
  3. has been concentrated on with pure love
  4. and grown with the intention to improve the quality of someones life.

not for 100% money.

I know id rather get it from someone with a good heart rather than someone trying to push out weight and who only want money. those people dont care what happens once its out of their hands.

And that is morally wrong.
To do anything for purely money without taking an responsibility of where it ends up is wrong. No matter what the product is.

But the fact that its generally illegal has brought this beautiful art form into the hands of corrupt people...
Who dont give a shit.

I guess what im trying to say is that clinics are improving the culture and future of weed.

Not criminal...

Sorry for stealing this thread. :-(
ok thats all fine an dandy but the same people that say they want it legalized cause its not bad to smoke weed think that if its used wrong its currupt?? makes no sense to me. either there is nothing wrong with the dank or there is make up your mind


Well-Known Member
only diffrence is Im not ripping people off with high prices. Im sure alot of that weed that the club sales for that dumb ass price goes to people that dont need it. but whos to say who needs it or not. isnt that why we all want it to be legal?!