I <3 Blunts

So me and a few friends had a crazy night where we had probably close to a half oz of weed and smoked it all in one night. I forget the reason why we had so much and smoked it all(probably because I was so fucking stoned :eyesmoke: )

But anyway, the reason I'm posting this is because I know the rollitup community will love the pic we took.

:leaf: Legalize it! :leaf:



Well-Known Member
I hate blunts, why would i want to wrap tabacco around my beatiful herbs...

really the truth is im allergic to tabacco so i cant smoke blunts with out my sinuses becoming inflamed and swollen shut, bloody nose bunch of bad stuff, probably why i hate them, used to love a good peach white owl or any honey blunt. only blunt i'll hit now has to be laced with something strong! or dipped in lean.

no offense but thats a skimp ass blunt..


Well-Known Member
That was a great movie. Also the allergy thing is just tragic :/
yeah but helped me kick cigs real quick, weirdest thing is i developed the sensitivity to tabacco after smoking cigs for like 8 years with no problems.... just all of a sudden with in a month i couldn't be around burning tabacco... meh i like weed better any ways ;)


Well-Known Member
You love poorly rolled blunts?
Why you gotta come in here with this shit man god dam quit being a fucking troll and save it for your self. He didnt ask for your dam opinion he was shareing a story. Grow the hell up....

On that account. Blunt are the shit only do rice paper now a days tho. Couldent stand all that paper used with blunt. Even optimos which i mostly used got so much dam paper on them. if i smoke bud that is. Been hitting nothing but hash for a few months now after i got one of Fdd's hash pipes. Still taste flower from time to time tho :-D

Kartel Kriminal

Active Member
Marijuana rolled in a cigarillo is the the only way I consume cannabis, unless I'm smoking roaches in my bong. If you want to see some examples of my superb blunt rolling skills check out my sig.


Well-Known Member
Why you gotta come in here with this shit man god dam quit being a fucking troll and save it for your self. He didnt ask for your dam opinion he was shareing a story. Grow the hell up....

On that account. Blunt are the shit only do rice paper now a days tho. Couldent stand all that paper used with blunt. Even optimos which i mostly used got so much dam paper on them. if i smoke bud that is. Been hitting nothing but hash for a few months now after i got one of Fdd's hash pipes. Still taste flower from time to time tho :-D
Oh please get off your high horse, I'm just throwing a joke out there, busting his balls. I'm not trying to ellicit emotional responses from anyone for my own pleasure.

Is smoking weed a competition?

.......didn't think so.
No smoking weed is not a competition. Never said it was, one could say rolling can be a competition however. I just made a humorous observation, smoke a joint, relax.


I usualy smoke a blunt if somone else rolls it and it gets passed to me. I never activly seek them becuase i get a headach from the tobacco and for me it dulls my high a bit. Also I only smoke delicious weed and want to taste every bit of it. ON the other hand i have no disrespect for them and it definatly is its own "art" IMO. The way its rolled makes all the difference when smoking it...very social way to smoke as well