I accidentally left my grow light on for an extra 12 hours

I forgot to turn my timer on last night and as a result, my clones that have been flowering for two weeks were exposed to the lamp for 24 hours. So, instead of 12 on 12 off at about week two it was 24 on for one day.

Do you know what will happen? Is there anything I should do?


Well-Known Member
Best thing you can do is resume the normal light schedule, and hope that the light change wont cause them to hermie. And buy a timer! GL


Well-Known Member
A timer is a must It's to late to turn back now just don't do it again lol They should be fine They cannot revert back to veg overnight If they have flowers on them


Well-Known Member
wat do u mean turn it on?i thought they turned on/off themselves once set,lol.,.,that would fuck the whole purpose of a timer if u have to on/off it by hand