i am a kinda a newb; with a plant i need a expert advice not a complete newb


Well-Known Member
alright i have a plant that is about 2" tall and has been growing for longer than 3 weeks now and now it is showing some deffficinecy of nuets so i added 1/8 for the first time today and so it has not took off and i forgot to mention i had it on hydro for the first 2 weeks and it still didnt take of so i put into a small clear containor and added some pre done mix commercial lol and it has been in for 2 days and has shown faster growth than ever and idk why it never took off please help it has a 1 or 2 small orangeish brown kind really small dots on its first leaves and one of the leafs are folding towards the soil weridly and the other one has took that dirrection to i do not have a camera sorry but it looke like N or P defficencies


Well-Known Member
o yea i forgot i my nuets meserings for NPK is N= 24 P=8 K=16 please help i really need a grow to work tvhe most simplest growing techniques will not eving work for me please help


Well-Known Member
Sounds like over watering. Did you say you had it in a clear container? Got to go into a dark pot. The roots must be kept in the dark at all times. Pictures help a lot around here. Good Luck.