i am a newbie at growing


Well-Known Member
hey can someone tell me like what are the times for growing. like how many weeks for for the plant to grow it will take for it to grow into a smokeable plant. and is there a way for me to dry it outside somehow?????
Welcome canadianpothead

The answers to your question are limitless.
It all depends on the strain.

On average I would say from seed you are looking at 30-60 ds veg (growth)
and 60-90 ds flowering (budding).
If you are growing outside expect slower results..

You want you plant(s) to get more than 12 hours of light for veg and less than 12 for flowering.

When you 1st switch to 12/12 it can take up to 2 weeks to see the sex.

Check out growfaq at the top left link...

Happy growing
no im growing out side so i need like to know when to pick my plants and i live in canda ottawa so just keep that in mind if ure going to help me?
Ok I would love to help.
I would suggest that you pm(private message Shaman)

He is in your area and grows outside.
He just started a thread.

I would follow his lead my friend he seems to really know his way around some sensi plants.

I can not speak for your area outside.
I am further south..
Happy growing
bravo midgrade way to help. Thats a noble characteristic to have on forums like this. Thats why I like it here.

good luck canadian. And listen there is lots of valuable info here.