I am a NUG...(New Useless Guy) with a problem.


Hello all. This is my first post and my first "real" attempt at growing. I've been drooling over photos on this site for months and I decided to take the leap and start growing. I'll tell you what I have and what I've done.
I bought a switchable 400 w MH or HPS Ballast. I also purchased two bulbs....one of each. I had some old seeds in a bag that were from some nice green and after germination, I planted them in small containers. They grew quick for the first week or two and three days ago I transplanted them to these Dixie cups and they seem to be growing slow and two of them have curled leafs. I have the MH at 18/6 and I water them every two days. I checked the water at my house and its a Ph 7. From all I read I'm well in the parameters of the Ph levels they should like. I'm growing them in the bathroom and I get to keep the door open most of the time and two fans on them, so air should be good too. I kinda Half-assed the soil mixture by not measuring....but heres what I did.
3/4 Miracle -Grow potting mix
1/4 Perlite
1/4 Worm casting
a dash of Sunleaves Indonesian Bat Guano (0.5-12-0.2)

I also used 1/2 teaspoon of Root Stim in 1 Gal. of water and sprayed the base of top of the soil.
My light is about 3' from the top of the plants. I dont have a temp gauge in there yet but I will my the end of the week.

I'm looking for a couple of things here, I would love some advice, and a nice couple of plants. I've read so much in the last three weeks about how to do this....its all just garbled up info in my head now. I hope that makes since.
Thanks for reading and I will post progress pics often.



Active Member
poke some holes in the cups and there looking a little over water how much water did you put? did you get the soil wet or did you just spray the top of the soil ? other then that they looks healthy

you can see the ones with more perlite are more healthy cause they got more air

all most forgot your PH 7.0 is too high you want it between 5.8-6.5

good luck and happy growing


Thanks. I do have some holes in the bottom of those cups and when I water, I pour until I see water coming out the bottom holes. Is this to much? Also, the two on the left, that look like they have less Perlite, I topped the Dixie cup off with Wormcasting right before I took the pics because I read it could be a Nitrogen problem and WOrmcasting had a lot of N in it. Am I watering them to much? Should I only spray the soil. Can I give them nutes now? How do I apply the Nutes...through spraying the leafs or mix and pour in soil? Thanks for your reply. I like the info.


Active Member
Thanks. I do have some holes in the bottom of those cups and when I water, I pour until I see water coming out the bottom holes. Is this to much? Also, the two on the left, that look like they have less Perlite, I topped the Dixie cup off with Wormcasting right before I took the pics because I read it could be a Nitrogen problem and WOrmcasting had a lot of N in it. Am I watering them to much? Should I only spray the soil. Can I give them nutes now? How do I apply the Nutes...through spraying the leafs or mix and pour in soil? Thanks for your reply. I like the info.
ok yeah thats too much water... you wanted to have the soil moist when you put the seed in and then you want to wait till its all most dry to water them again but all most dry about 5" deep not the top

theres no real amount to water you just wanna water them so the soil is moist and will dry out in 1-2 days remember underwatering is alot less harmful then overwatering

lol you should of read up alot more before starting

your soil mix is fine more perlite would of been better but its ok

don't give them nutes till there 3-4 weeks old MAYBE sooner cause your custom mix might not have a ton of nute

you apply by following the direction mix in a gallon of water or what ever then what ever the amount says you need to put only use 1/4 of it and water with every other watering

so fresh water then nute water and so on


Yeah, Im reading all I can and what I thought was just "throwing some seeds in a pot and watching them grow" is turning out to be an education in horticulture. Thanks so much for the information and cross your fingers I can see these things to harvest.


Active Member
Yeah, Im reading all I can and what I thought was just "throwing some seeds in a pot and watching them grow" is turning out to be an education in horticulture. Thanks so much for the information and cross your fingers I can see these things to harvest.
yeah man alot of research need to go into this before you even start or youll be wasting your time

read this then read it again try to google all your question look for answer get a bunch of opinions then make your own



hey alv when you transplant into bigger pots chang to somthin other then miricle grow it WILL kill those little guys and or in about a week you will notice problems starting . it salt built up and it will slow them down . if you dont it will add a month to your grow its that bad. i know they seem fine now but that will chang as the salts build up. try to find anything that doesnt have slow release ferts idealy you want to ad the ferts as you go. im telling you this couse i did the same thing and wasted so much time . good luck bro let me knw if you need more advice .

i thoought growing would be ez to know im like $1000 in to it :)


Well-Known Member
aahhhhhh FEEDING !

u hurt ur plant badly

Miracle grow is way too much feeding

i tested it and seriously dude look at my old post yelling totally broken my plant....i still manage to finish one but the second is gonna die i think :( but the #3 is in Pro mix and my baby allready love that even with only 4 23Watt in the closet


take a look at the third and look dmg of miracle grow #2 also on 12/12 it auto-flowered too fast(this is light too)too much food its all i have to say perlite is really good tho
if u want a good idea do 2.5Pro-mix / 2Perlite

perlite is ur friend if u want my opignions

(its used to absorb oil leak on the road or in shop(not the same name tho industrial use) too ^^ its absorb alot of humidity which is good!!!also alott used in hydro system 100% perlite pot