I am I tripping do I see a man

Don't see a man do see a awesome looking bud so I guess you are lol as always thank you for your time and the best wishes to you and your family and friends
There might be a little man that lives inside that bud. My dad had me believing a little man lived in his cars dashboard. He liked to fuck with me because I asked so many questions. But he's a joker anyways and likes to mess with people.

There was a little blue light on his dash that was just meant the high beams were on. It would go on and off, and he said when the lights are on he was awake and when they were off he went to sleep.

He was convincing though, and I learned how to do the same shit to people. It's amazing how much you can get people to believe if you're convincing enough, lol. My poor kids have had to deal with it now.
Well your dad did it right then I did the same to my 3 kids lol fucking with them that is my job and I take it very seriously
We use to setup a leprechaun trap every year. They never caught one, but he'd always drop a few gold coins making his escape. We had some green felt scraps too to make it look like it came off his coat. I can convince even adults of some crazy shit, lol.

I got the gold $1 coins from the bank. I told them what I wanted them for and they went outta their way to get me as many as I needed.