I am lvartesuave

New to growing and new to the forum. Introducing myself here and walking over to the bottom of the totem pole. I feel we all have something to contribute to this forum. Personally, if anybody wants to know anything regarding fighting or help on their current or past relationship feel free to ask!

Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of such great place



Well-Known Member
LMAO , there is a section to intro yourself. You would know that if you read before posting.


Well-Known Member
The intro forum doesnt seem to draw much response. Whereas this has defo got some attention, so done right I say :-D

Welcome to the forum fella, pretty new here too myself - seems a very useful and helpful forum (if somewhat surprisingly intolerant of laziness and silly questions considering its a stoner forum lol ;-)).

As for the offer of advice, I know how to front if necessary, and ive got 99 problems but a bitch aint one! :-D But thanks for the offer :blsmoke: