I am sorry


Active Member
Why take the time and money to grow it this far just to cut it immature. I will admit my first grow I made the mistake to test bottom nugs once in awhile and then made the mistake of dippin in the curing jar before they were done. Never again! Words of advice my friend don't waste your time and money, be patient and get the full potential.


Well-Known Member
whatever....fuck that's just one little bud. don't worry bout it......i just put a layer of sand down to combat the fungus gnats and so i clipped the very bottom little budsites. i quick dried them in the oven, and i must say i was pleasantly surprised. of course i'm not gonna chop everything up yet, but a minute amount here and there is ok jeezus


Well-Known Member
i have never cut something that did not look done to smoke.... plan on singing to it or something?