I am thinking that marijuna like bacteria better than fungi!

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
uI wnet to buy some sorta beastie additive for my girls today. I found a relatively inexpensive product and another, little more pricey, option. One had bacteria added, this cost more than the pure fungi.

So I started to read. It turns out that marijuna is an annual. And most annual prefer Bacteria. While it is all good I am sure the ladies like the bacteria.

Earth worm castings are a good source of bacteria.

Roots organic makes a product for 16 dollars that covers fungi AND Bacterias.

SO when looking for good things remember that mj loves bacteria:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
use an airstone to bubble a cup of wormcastings with a quarter cup of kelp and a quarter cup of mollasses in a 5 gallon bucket with dechlorinated water and you can get hundereds of gallons of high bacteria/fungi tea out of a bag of castings and kelp. add whatever type of guano or compost and its a super cheap nutrient source. sprayed on the plants they love it!

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Yes, that TEA will "grow" millions of good Microbes, one gallon makes 4 to 6 gals. for everything that grows. I think more info can be found on the Dirt Doctor Site. Any chemicals will kill this living soil, so beware.