I bent her over. . . the stem went 90 degrees is she a gonner?


I managed to bend the stem whilst changing the water, pretty much inhalf,
no breaks that i can see. ive supported her into a good position, will she get etter or should i say goodbuy to the top half of the plant?




Well-Known Member
With proper support she will repair herself, if the stem split try splinting it

by that I mean to wrap it with a layer of paper towel or napkin then wrap that with tape snug but not tight, would kinda be like a cast

on another note, if you have the space and let her lay over ( support it at a 90 degree angle) and the stem did not split all the nodes will start to grow up and become colas


Well-Known Member
She should recover, just brace her with something.... If there's no breaks, you should be ok.... but even if there are breaks.... just use tape as a cast..... and it should recover.

don't toss it until its DEAD, dead...

never hurts to try


bud bootlegger
i would say you just basically supercropped her by accident, and nothing will happen if you didn't spit the stem, and she will recover very quickly.. i had to super crop one of my sourcreams, and the bud turned back towards the light in under 12 hours, it was the damndest thing i have ever seen.. don't sweet it, she will bounce back in a day or two...


Well-Known Member
even if the branch split it should be fine. put it back in place and if support needed fine (tape, string etc.). Super crop is fine as well if split. many do it on purpose to slow height growth on sativas. Be a little more careful....You have a case of gorilla hands or something?


Well-Known Member
Well I'm not a big fan of supercropping. I killed a whole batch using that method one time. I would not do it.