i broke a branch

im gonna guess my plant is about 4 weeks old...first i droped a light on it and burned some leafs...now i have a broken branch n lost a couple leafs all due to me wanting to handle anything but a beer when im drunk...anybody have any idea on if this plant is gonna make it? i'll try to get a pic up of it please help



Well-Known Member
No. don't touch her at all. She will drop what is dead. SHe is so small she needs 24 hr light and better soil. Not so wet. What soil are u useing?
the soil is a orgnic peat disk and some scotts garden soil mixed with perlite....is it bad the i already cut off the brokeb branch? and i been tryn to find a better way to get good drainage.do u think a day in the sun will help?


Well-Known Member
As long as the root system is good, the plant will be ok. No need to cut anything off even if it is bent and broken. Just put a band-aid on it or stake it back up and it would have healed up. More light does not give you better drainage however putting it into the sun is always good. The only thing about taking it inside and outside is it is more susceptible to bugs and infestation to your grow room.