i c wut u mean 1/2 strength on nutes


Active Member
mother fucker i now c what the half strength talk is all about. i am noticing yellow marks on the leafs of a few plant. some might be spash but others are from absorption. fuck dont think its to bad i got plants last sat transplated in moist soil and lightly waterd. i waterd again on mon with foxfarm nutes at about 3/4 strength maybe a little stronger but not much. again watered them wed and on this day after watering i noticed my first little yellow spot. thur a few more plants had a spot on there leafs 3 are on lower leafs that had been cut by the club 1 spot on a middle leaf. the other 4 plants look very strong with no spots. cant get a clear pic at the momment but i will continue to try. i am only going to water every three days and i think my next water very light nutes if any any suggetions please post


Well-Known Member
mother fucker i now c what the half strength talk is all about. i am noticing yellow marks on the leafs of a few plant. some might be spash but others are from absorption. fuck dont think its to bad i got plants last sat transplated in moist soil and lightly waterd. i waterd again on mon with foxfarm nutes at about 3/4 strength maybe a little stronger but not much. again watered them wed and on this day after watering i noticed my first little yellow spot. thur a few more plants had a spot on there leafs 3 are on lower leafs that had been cut by the club 1 spot on a middle leaf. the other 4 plants look very strong with no spots. cant get a clear pic at the momment but i will continue to try. i am only going to water every three days and i think my next water very light nutes if any any suggetions please post
Yuppers... I'm a 1/4 strength guy, myself.

Foxfarm nutes are very strong, very acidic. Nutrient solutions made with any brand should be checked for pH and adjusted back to 6-7 with baking soda or pH-Up.

This has to be the biggest ongoing folly in the whole MJ growing world -- ppl adding nutes that the plant does not want or need.

Over time I've been able to really suss out who the really good growers are on RIU. Their approaches? Generally 1/4 strength added every TWO WEEKS. A lot of folks on here add nutes every other WATERING... Well, what the top growers mean when they say that is "every other week".

Why? Cause they water heavily enough that their watering lasts a whole week. Then they let the pot dry for a whole week and water again, this time with nutes. So, it's an every-other-week deal.

Ppl who grow successfully on heavy nute schedules do so in spite of the shit, not because of it.


Well-Known Member
im 37days into flower and about 80-90 strength on big buds advanced nutrients plus half strength on my other nutrients and have no burns or yellow leaves..maybe at the very bottom of the plant but i got a 4 footer.. u just start at 1/4 strength and add more if they need it or can handle it


Well-Known Member
im 37days into flower and about 80-90 strength on big buds advanced nutrients plus half strength on my other nutrients and have no burns or yellow leaves..maybe at the very bottom of the plant but i got a 4 footer.. u just start at 1/4 strength and add more if they need it or can handle it
One thing people don't factor in enough in nute selection / strength is strain -- the more indica genes you've got in your strain, the more likely your plants can make use of those extra nutes. Sativas are more sensitive and burn easier. There's no "one size fits all" nute schedule. Depends on strain, lighting, nutrition available in your soil starting out, and so on.

My goal in my next grow is absolute freedom from any burn, no matter how low down or inconsequential. I've seen some good growers' plants on here where the leafage is absolutely perfect, even in late flower. That's what I want to see.


Well-Known Member
i dont got any bad burns..maybe a lil on my hydro girls but i think its from a ph problem and its nothing that bad and with the sativa being able to handle more nute's is bs based on my experiences..i got a sativa that can handle all the nutes i give her but my indica got a few tips turning brown like the start of nutrient burn so i gotta go lighter on the nutes with my indica not my sativa..and i pretty much go by one fits all then u go from there based on what u see happening and what i see is my 5 plants pretty much like the same amounts of nutrients and if there is a difference its just a slight difference