"I can't beleive it's not Budder"


Just got done making a batch of green water that I made from scrap. The leaves we set aside for spinning we decided to cook up and make some fine edibles. Alot of people don't like edibles made from non-bud parts of the plant. I have found the secret to a batch of green water that holds all the flavors that make your mouth tingle. I take all my scrap including stems, pretty much everything but the roots. Being already dried I then chop and grind it all up in coffee grinders. It pretty much makes it into a powder. It's like sparkly green sand. Then it's off to the crock pot, with a few cups of water.I usually go 1 cup of green powder to 1 cup of water. Take one of those grow timers and run it on a 3 on 6 off cycle. I actually picked up a timer from the local hardware which lets you set it for every hour control. And that's it. Make sure you burp it as the green, and the water form a compound somewhat like tea. Only do this like once or twice a day. It's not like it's explosive or anything. The more you burp it the milder it comes out. If you just leave the top on it seals the potency. After about 3 days you will notice that the powder of the green has totally disolved, as the greeny smell is replaced with a oddlike yet pleasent smell. Crock pots stayat a set temp and don't burn your batch. After the 3 days we either put in a 1/8 part ratio for a nice cup of tea after a long day. Since the green powder is one with the water, you may then put about a pound of butter. Put the lid on and let set on the medium cooking temp and rotate to the high setting every 6 hours. After 24 hours of this method you then transfer the mixture into a sheet pan. I use cookie sheets for the cool at the right speed in the frig. Don't get anxious and freeze them. Ever had ice butter?
Once cool the butter reforms on the top of the water. Taking it off with a fork works best for me. Set the peices in a bowl and put back in the frig.

I use to like butter....until I made Budder....