I cut clones 2 weeks ago now I need help!!!


Ok so I went ahead and cut clones 2 weeks ago, dipped them in rooting gel, placed them into cubes that were soaked in 5.5 ph water. I then placed them all in a tray and covered it with a dome.

Now they are all rooted (just a few roots sticking out of some, some
are rooted but nothing is comming out of the cube) and I need to know if I should remove the clear dome part of the tray?
Would I be able to throw these in some red cups with coco?
Or should I wait?
What should I do?


Well-Known Member
I just took cutting and the ph of the rock cubes got messed up and i lost them except three. all post some pics soon.


Well-Known Member
hey man go a head and wait a couple more days for more roots to show them selves probly 3 or 4 days than go ahead and transplant


Well-Known Member
they like less humidity after 7-10 days.. i slowly inch the hood back each day to decrease the humidity so they dont dry out. and around 10-14 days i remove the hood completly. If you take the hood off, be sure to mist them so they can slowly aclimate to the lower ambient humidity