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OK, I did everything wrong. i hear people on here all the time saying that you need this and that. they all say the same thing. miracle grow is crap. you can veg under CFL's but you can't flower under them. you can only use filtered water. the fertilizer has to come from the hands of christ himself. blah blah blah.

well let me tell you. i used miracle grow soil. not even the organic bullshit. full on MG with ferts in it. i used nothing but CFL's from begining to end. i did not switch warm ones and cool ones and all that shit. my fertilizers are straight from wal-mart. did not go out and buy a 500 buck MH for veg and another 500 dollar HPS for flowering. the water i used came right out of the bathtub. i watered everywhere from 2-4 days. did not use a water meter. i vegged for 6 weeks and threw into flower and 4-5 days later i had all my plants showing sex. so check out the pics below of the worst possible grow you could ever see. i planted 37 and got 21 females. the pics are of them in the 4th week flowering. look at how big they are. they are all covered in chrystals but 4-5 of those beasts are just frosty as fuck.

so maybe you don't need to put 5 grand into a grow room and wait till your 4th harvest to get even. i have 500 to 600 dollars total in mine.

so beware of people telling you that you need the best of everything that the world makes.

so plus rep for comments on the worst garden in the history of growing weed



Well-Known Member
miracle grow is crap but still does work... anyway ive seen worse grows.... should have trained ur plants better... esp with cfls.. prolly not to late to bend a lil..... also add more light, and get it a lil closer to plants...


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I agree that you can do a full grow with CFL's, its just known that you will most likely not have as dense/as large buds as you would have with a HID

Snuck in a pic of your pup?:razz:

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
Fuckin A right Bro. I'm the same way with my grow, I never go for the biggest or the best but i have put out some of the best smoke. It all in the eye of the beholder man. Spot on and stay green.


Well-Known Member
well done mate but this is what i have. 24 lady's grown under 3 x 600w and 2 x 125 cfl light's. Compare the difference then tell me its not worth the extra money.... Mine are at only day 28 flower. All standing at around 30-36" tall and wide with around 6-10 main colas... Its my first grow and im going to smash whatever yield you get with your's. Go big or go home with little.....



Active Member
lol, looks good man! I think everyone grows "wrong" on there first go, but its like a bug you get, you just want to do better next time!

my first grow was like yours, cheap but then look at my current one. You to will probaly get the bug and strive perfection!


cool, I'm curious to see how the buds turn out :weed:

You might do even better if you those bulbs in veg and swictch to flowering cfls when to flower.

Just ask for 2700k cfl bulbs. Right next to the ones you got. Those will probably make a difference in flower for little cost. :joint:
plus rep gents! the express: why do you think MG is crap? because they sell it at wal-mart? on my first grow i went out and bought every thing the guy at the hydro store told me to. and my plants now look no different what so ever. as for density....i got 3rd node nugs that are the size of ping pong balls. weed is the easiest shit on the face of the planet to grow. i will tell you the secret that i have learned from a few grows. if you want great weed then you need great genetics. that is it! you might get a 3 to 5% difference with all the expensive stuff. are you going to sell it for that much more? fuck no! i grew AK-47 from nirvana last time and i had a guy who had been smoking pot for 20 years tell me that my AK took one hit and he was high as fuck for about 3 hrs. so someone please show me some amazing fucking plant that was grow with the most expensive shit you can buy....i am expecting a little over an oz average dry weight. times 21 plants and i should have maybe a pound and a quarter to a pound and a half. all for 500 bucks....compare that same weight with some one who put 2-3 grand in their room. makes more business sense to me...
Hey man, I agree that you can do a full grow with CFL's, its just known that you will most likely not have as dense/as large buds as you would have with a HID

Snuck in a pic of your pup?:razz:

that dog eats more weed than the federal government!!!! she is a sneeky little brat! every time i turn around she is in there trying to get to my plants. but i paid 1200 bucks for her....so she pretty much rules the house with an iron fist! but god damn i fucking love her!!!! lol!!


Well-Known Member
plus rep gents! the express: why do you think MG is crap? because they sell it at wal-mart? on my first grow i went out and bought every thing the guy at the hydro store told me to. and my plants now look no different what so ever. as for density....i got 3rd node nugs that are the size of ping pong balls. weed is the easiest shit on the face of the planet to grow. i will tell you the secret that i have learned from a few grows. if you want great weed then you need great genetics. that is it! you might get a 3 to 5% difference with all the expensive stuff. are you going to sell it for that much more? fuck no! i grew AK-47 from nirvana last time and i had a guy who had been smoking pot for 20 years tell me that my AK took one hit and he was high as fuck for about 3 hrs. so someone please show me some amazing fucking plant that was grow with the most expensive shit you can buy....i am expecting a little over an oz average dry weight. times 21 plants and i should have maybe a pound and a quarter to a pound and a half. all for 500 bucks....compare that same weight with some one who put 2-3 grand in their room. makes more business sense to me...
I beg to differ.

Mine were veged for 5 week im on day 28 flower...... The difference will be that i will pull close to 8 ounce per plant to your 1 ounce. you have 21 plants = 21 ounce. i have 24 plants = to nearly 200 ounce. see the difference yet??????



Well-Known Member
plus rep gents! the express: why do you think MG is crap? because they sell it at wal-mart? on my first grow i went out and bought every thing the guy at the hydro store told me to. and my plants now look no different what so ever. as for density....i got 3rd node nugs that are the size of ping pong balls. weed is the easiest shit on the face of the planet to grow. i will tell you the secret that i have learned from a few grows. if you want great weed then you need great genetics. that is it! you might get a 3 to 5% difference with all the expensive stuff. are you going to sell it for that much more? fuck no! i grew AK-47 from nirvana last time and i had a guy who had been smoking pot for 20 years tell me that my AK took one hit and he was high as fuck for about 3 hrs. so someone please show me some amazing fucking plant that was grow with the most expensive shit you can buy....i am expecting a little over an oz average dry weight. times 21 plants and i should have maybe a pound and a quarter to a pound and a half. all for 500 bucks....compare that same weight with some one who put 2-3 grand in their room. makes more business sense to me...

mg nutes burn easy has hell, and the soil sux even more.. cant compare mg to dutch masters gold, or foxfarm
well done mate but this is what i have. 24 lady's grown under 3 x 600w and 2 x 125 cfl light's. Compare the difference then tell me its not worth the extra money.... Mine are at only day 28 flower. All standing at around 30-36" tall and wide with around 6-10 main colas... Its my first grow and im going to smash whatever yield you get with your's. Go big or go home with little.....

first of all i would bet every dollar i have ever made that that isn't your first grow. you have way to many things that aren't in a first grow. and you can't tell me you don't have 5 times more money in it than mine. you have 3 more plants and i will guarantee you that you don't grow 5 times as much dope!!! i grow killer weed and i grow lots of it on the cheap. you just want to show off how much work you have put in and how much you have spent....and you might get 5-6 oz more than me. that is including the 4 extra plants. but if that's your "first" grow then my 300 pound ass will do a reverse 360 slam dunk....but it looks like a great job. but you wont smash me if you break down weight vs. cost and the amount you can sell it for....:hug:
mg nutes burn easy has hell, and the soil sux even more.. cant compare mg to dutch masters gold, or foxfarm

where do you get those at and how much do they cost?

and the only burn i have on any of my plants is when they grew a little faster than i moved the lamps. MG burns if you are like every other person on here and start dumping ferts on it the second it breaks the soil. ya if you use 24-10-20 on a plant that is 2 weeks old and it is in MG then you are going to burn the fuck out of it. if you use MG and just water like you are supposed to do then i have NEVER had any nute burn at all. and why does the soil suck? do they do something to it?


Well-Known Member
first of all i would bet every dollar i have ever made that that isn't your first grow. you have way to many things that aren't in a first grow. and you can't tell me you don't have 5 times more money in it than mine. you have 3 more plants and i will guarantee you that you don't grow 5 times as much dope!!! i grow killer weed and i grow lots of it on the cheap. you just want to show off how much work you have put in and how much you have spent....and you might get 5-6 oz more than me. that is including the 4 extra plants. but if that's your "first" grow then my 300 pound ass will do a reverse 360 slam dunk....but it looks like a great job. but you wont smash me if you break down weight vs. cost and the amount you can sell it for....:hug:

lol ur not gonna yield shit with those cfls for one.... and im sure he gets waay more then you with hid


Well-Known Member
lol dude has 3 600 watters and prolly more watts of cfls then you have total watts..... that has the potential to grow over 3 pounds every rip
Then you would loose every doller you ever made my friend. this is my first grow ever. i did my research and its paying off.....


after looking at all those pics you got over 5 grand in that room don't you? you really think you are going to get a pound a plant? i bet the guy at the hydroponic store loves you. you just paid his rent for the next 3 months. it looks nice but how much do you think you are really going to get? 24 plants i say no more than 30 to 34 oz. i'm think 24 to 27 oz. an oz goes for 300 to 350 an oz here for high grade. so lets say you get 5 more oz than me. that is only 1500 more dollars at the cost of 5 grand that means your whole first grow will just cover your start up cost. mine is 5000 dollars profit... and what if the worst thing happens....we get busted. i'm out 500 bucks you are out 5000 bucks. so i don't know about crushing me....


Active Member
lol mexican bagseed sativas huh

no skunk no. 1# from sensi, that was most expensive part of £100! nearly half it! I got 7oz for £100
Far better profit to cost than how i grow now, with 600w hps cool tube in tent and foggers in veg room n stuff. so I agree with grow and they will come!
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