I didn't know where to post this thread so here we are.

I have a theory on the matter that we are all here to pass on and teach the next generations how to party and get bush WHACKED! nah in all honestly those are some deep questions bro how I deal with them daily is by hitting a few bongs of nova og and then I don't think at all cause I'm stuck to the sofa like cheese on a big mac, in respect we get one go around life and I can tell you it's worth living and I live for today because beyond that is out of my control and over thinking all of these constantly asked questions can put you in a black HOLE, take risks in life (within reason) enjoy what you can spend money it's only paper and from trees which we all love the green one with the big lumps of happiness growing on them, get off your arse get off the pc, the ps5 get out use your limited time learn new things meet new people enjoy the one go around and LIVE FOR TODAY , HOPE FOR TOMORROW :bigjoint: bongsmilie
I don't mean to be cold, but I'm not very good at this.....

Life is about survival, that's it period, everything else is secondary.

Everybody gets down & depressed, people hit rock bottom (you're not alone there).
You have to stand up & get going, because you can't count on help (that doesn't mean you shouldn't look for some).

Lay down and die or get up and carry on, not much of a choice.

Go talk to a real counselor & good luck
What is the point of life? What is the point of living? Have you ever been so broke that you had no money and nobody really cares what happens to you??? Are you living to die or dying to live? What is the point of all of this?? :confused:
You are the point. You find the point from your perspective, you show others the point of it from their perspective. We are all having these experiences. Just observe and experience it as it is. It is all ok. There could be no point, and that would have to be ok too.
Everything is temporary. The bad times will pass and things can get better. The good times must end and we have to experience loss. Everything is temporary. Try to maintain steadiness amidst the peaks and valleys.
Peace, my friend.
What is the point of life? What is the point of living? Have you ever been so broke that you had no money and nobody really cares what happens to you??? Are you living to die or dying to live? What is the point of all of this?? :confused:
I'd like to recommend 3 books the first is called Home the second is called the happy ending play book and the last is called when your girlfriend bangs a black dude. All by the same author Danny Mullen. These books should answer all your questions.
not having money is a problem and until you change your attitude towards money it wont change

rewind to 2017 i had never taken saving serriously thiking crazy stuff like who wants to squirel away money like some fat cat, then i hurt my foot it got infected and i needed surgery found myself in hospital with 20 bucks to my name.

and it wasnt just me there were new broke ass sick people coming in every day, i heard one guy have his last weeks pay taken out by a debt collection agency and then got replaced at work because he wouldnt be able to work on the monday

i was like fuck this when i get out of here things are gonna change

so i basically just opened a high intrest savings account and put 100pf in there and any 1 or 2k tax returns as well (normally i had that spent the day i got it)

now 5 years later im used to it saving first and if i find myself in hospital again ill order pizza everyday
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problem is when you got your shit together with money everyone is your friend when you broke you know who your real friends are

what would be cool is to save the money and still bumb 10 bucks off your mates occasionally even though you saved 5 or 10k
then everyone be like, he still owes me money

pay em back two months later "sorry it took so long bro"

nah, just joking its impossible to hide money, the second you buy new stuff your covers blown
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You do not say where you are, so its hard to assess your situation.
Its increasingly difficult to earn money in a corporate-slave society.
Thats why they have a war every generation to cull the excess people.
This has been in an industrial scale since industry made most people redundant.

The simplest way to earn money is just find something that other people hate,
and that you do not mind so much. Then do that.
Life is 100% fully random. You can "kinda" course-correct some outcomes (live a healthy and safe life = live longer generally speaking) but ultimately. . .. shit just happens.

There's no point, there's no "key" there's no secret. Just. . .. this.