So my shit was drying too quickly. Before it got crispy I jarred it all up. Haven't slept. Just finished trimming. It was dry enough to trim, sugar leaves snapped off. Did ten jars. I got over 24 jars total, majority good buds, a few with okay buds. 8 quart Tupperware full of larf for qwiso. I'm so fuckin tired.
I started this thing like six months ago and had zero equipment/knowledge. Learning plants and buying hardware should be done before you grow. I'm so glad this shit is done, this op sucked. Now that I know my head from my ass and don't have to worry about buying weed, it's time to plan my first easy-grow. That's what I've been looking forward to this entire time and is my ulterior motive for starting this log.
Pumps and timers and Bluetooth, here I come