I dont get it...?

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I got clearly get this section and what its really meant for. Now, I know its about LSD and mushrooms but I though RIU was mainly about cannabis and in the agreement for it meantions that this site is MAINLY made to aid medical mj growers.

I request to close this section, its causing more harm than good in my point of view. Whatcha think guys? did i go wrong somewhere?

I know for sure that i went wrong with the grammar .


New Member
So how is this small little subforum going to somehow change the fate of mmj

There way more bigger drug sites than this


Well-Known Member
its funny....
this little sub forum ... Hallucinatory Section
changed my life for the better.

i can honestly say that without this sub forum...
i would not be where or who i am right now.

i am MORE than grateful and thankful for where i am right now.

thank you ROLLITUP!!!!


Well-Known Member
just plain silly....

are people so messed up they cant read

if people dont like it STAY OUT its so simple
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