i dont no what to do anymore


Well-Known Member
I have over 30 seedlings that are about 3 weeks old now. Out of all of them, maybe 2 or 3 look decent. I planed to have alot of good plants and at the end i would pick the best 8-12 females but that doesnt seem to be happening. Bagseeds are shiit, im going with a good strainnext.... i feel like this is such a fucking waste of time. I already started over once before this go around cause i fould little bugs in the soil, and now i just spotted a few fungus gnats in there like 2 minutes ago. Weird this is, all the seedlings are different. Some strech, some dont, some dark green, some very light green, and some a little bit of both. Also there are some that look like they just sprouted, tiny leaves and really small, and leaves look kinda burned/brown. Idk if any1 can help me at this point but if you can....HELP!!! lol



Well-Known Member
Well for starters you have your lite way to high up, or maybe its just me. What watt are you using?


Well-Known Member
Bring that light closer to those plants.

You want the light as close as you can without actually hurting them.

I'd suggest vegging them until you can take decent cuttings off them all, then bung those clones into flowering and see which of your plants are male/female.

From that stage you throw the males out.
Then have a look at your females, which is the plant that has grown the fastest, looks the healthiest etc.

Throw the rest of your females into flowering while keeping the best female in veg. Before the bad females finish, clone a new batch from your healthy mother plant and veg them. That way you've got a reasonable perpetual grow.

You want a better light for flowering than you do for vegging.

Those gnats can be killed by covering the top of the soil with something like horticultural sand, perlite or gravel. The reason for this is that the gnats start life in the soil, if they can't get out they die!

Also put up some sticky strips around your grow to help kill the ones flying about.

hope this helps.