I don't understand clones


Okay, so you snip a clone from your main plant. How does the clone get water and air without any roots?

Do they get water via the bottom of the stem where they were cut? If not still not sure how they get air since they are usually put straight in just water alone.

Also, if they can survive like this, does it mean you could just grow all your plants in plain water?

Hope this makes sense, if not just post and i'll try to explain it better !


Well-Known Member
You must think like a clone...... become the clone & you will understand. There are tons of threads for your reading enjoyment here on this subject. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Yes, they do get water from the cut end. You can grow in water, it's called hydroponics, but it's a little more complicated than just sticking them in water. Nutrients and air are added to the water to help the plant grow. Clones are covered with the dome to keep humidity high which helps keep them hydrated. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Clone's get their moisture through the leaves "transpiring" That's why the dome is so important! It keeps the humidity high so the plant doesn't dry up until root's are formed...keep potting media (rock wool cubes, soiless mix etc...) damp but not wet do not touch plant's or rooting media for 10 day's.....open up the dome a small amount to breath and over the next few day's slowly remove dome being careful not to move clone's.....5 more day's check for root's and in 3-5 day's repot in larger container and harden off under slightly stronger light for a few day's and you will be all set! (Start clone's with flouresent's not a lot of light....slowly increase when rooted. Plant's don't use "air" they use Co2 what we exhale from our breathing and until roots are formed it need's none as there is no photosynthisis going on! need more info? Ask me....wishing you the best and hoping this help's you understand clone's my brother! jack