I f&cked up and I apologize


Well-Known Member
i am truly sorry to all those who i encouraged or who silently followed. i put everything out to early. like the first of LAST month to early. all my clones are flowering. i can't stop them. at this point it may be best to kill them and get some that are vegging in their place. by the time they turn around and start to veg new ones could be 3 feet tall. i may pull them and put them in pots, i'm not sure. i do know that every time i walk out there i feel the need to DO SOMETHING. i will now wait until MAY 1st. before EVER placing summer plants outside.

once again i am sorry to everyone. i have been getting a lot of PM's and i know i was bragging about this last month. just be glad to know that it's me as well who is paying for it. damn me, fdd. :evil::evil::evil:

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Sucks man. I am sure you will salvage the season. I thought it only takes a week or two for plants to flip back into veg. ?
that sucks i started mine too early also look like u got it all under control though.
good luck and good growin
Sucks man. I am sure you will salvage the season. I thought it only takes a week or two for plants to flip back into veg. ?
my first ones flowered early in april...I kept one(sgt.kahneohe) in flower. kahuna #2 however is just now showing the reveg' stretch. the purp is dinky and hasn't reveged yet, (she's goona be the wife of the w.widow male), as well as the mystery double sawtooth. I figure different breeds need longer to get a clue than others.
whynot just goto home depot and get some security lights for construction, and just leave them on them for 5 more hours a nite?

id try it but i dunno, there bright as fuck and could possibly help revert them to veg but fdd your smarter then me so i duno
late April

early April


early may






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i don't have any curly leaves. the hijack went from 7 blades back to 3 on 2 different plants. yet the 3rd one in the shady side is fully vegging.
put them all back into manageable sized pots....take them inside and put them under some lights for an extended veg time. in the morning set them back outside....
I did that and it kept mine from bugging out until I stopped doing that and left them outside. My light is straighting out a good bit more now so ive put me hijack outdoors too now.
they looked fine a few days ago. now they are growing three inches a day in height but are acting weird. i'll try to get pics tomorrow.

sounds like they are trying to jump into flowering. Have they shown their sex yet(or are they all clones?) Ive seen this happen with plants that havent sexed and started flowering, but thats about the only time ive had anything like that happen.