I fucking hate dealers


Well-Known Member
I'm about to pull my fucking hair out.

I'm so sick and tired of people that deal pot.. like my dealer for example who also happens to be my best friend who I pretty much grew up with... I'm just mentally tired of having to deal with him. And even other connects I have but rarely use...

It's like they think they're the king of the world.. and that I should have to wait on them.. to get some smoke from them. I'm so pissed off right now.. that if he wasn't such a good friend.. that the next time he was to call me and tell me to come over.. I'd just jack his stash of kind buds... see how the fuck he feels when he doesn't have any bud to smoke for a couple of nights. Anyone else feel what I'm saying?!?!

It's fucking bullshit that I should have to WAIT for him.

What makes tonights situation even worse.. is the fact that I just talked to the dumbass 45 minutes ago.. and he TOLD ME.. to call him back in about 30 minutes. Well, that was 2 fucking hours ago.. and he still owes me 1.5grams of bud. (im not talking about SCHWAG.. I only smoke KB).

Needless to say, I've been waiting all fucking week for him to call me so I can go pick up that 1.5grams from him. And the mother fucker knows money right now for me is tight since I got laid-off from my job and shit. He's owed me this 1.5grams since last weekend... I think he's had plenty of fucking time to get it to me.

I just tried calling his ass again.. and the mother fucker won't answer of course... why? because he's a stuck-up rich boy.. who sucks on his daddies tittie when he want's something.. well.. that's fine. Because eventually he'll call me.. and when I get to his crib.. I'll walk my happy ass over to his stash spot.. and jack his shit.. and he won't do a fucking thing about it because if he does... I'll put him in his place. Quickly...

Now, I think that since he seems to think this is some kind of fucking game.. and he thinks he can just blow shit like this off.. and forget like it ever happened.. he's got another thing coming. LOL.

His pretty little 2005 Escalade sure is pretty.. and so are his 24" rims he has on it.. well.. I figure since he want's to play mind games.. ehhh I figure one day within the next week or so.. I'll just casually walk/drive by his pretty Escalade.. and spray some fucking acid on his paint... and then on his wheels. See how he likes playing mind games when he wakes up the next fucking morning and see's his pretty car all fucked up... not to mention the rims.

:evil: sorry.... I shouldn't let shit like that get to me.. it's just the principal behind all of it ya dig? I mean, if he was to ever call me and need something.. and it was something I could help him with... I'd help.

But then again.. I'm a nice guy.. and I'm also a stand-up person... and if I plan on doing business with someone... they don't even need to worry about getting ripped off... or even having to wait.

Oh well... maybe I'll even take pics of the after-math from the acid against his paint.. oh! and the wheels.

Anyhow, what I just posted.. is the very reason why I grow my own bud. So this way.. I don't have to wait.. I don't have to hassle with dumb ass people... and I know exactly how much I'm getting. Ya dig?

Keep watching!!! There's more to come!

Peace. Merry fucking Christmas.

skoobie dew

Well-Known Member
Ummm just reality talking here. Maybe you should keep an extra week or two worth of bud around. I know!!! If your buddy & peeps can't provide you with what you want then maybe, just maybe, find someone who can.
I'm certain that within ten miles of where you live there is someone else who will sell you weed.

Just my opinion,


Well-Known Member
Look. If your connection is dry, then go hit the street and pay top dollar for an underweight bag.

Your pot dealer is not fucking Wal-Mart...

Quit bitching cause you can't get what you want, when you want. If you wanted weed that bad, I guess you should have bought more. If you didnt have money, than you should have worked more. There shouldnt be excuses. If your buddy can get weed, so can you.

Maybe you could even, i dont know, try GROWING SOME!!!

It comes out of the ground you know, if you put some water on it...

dude, all Im saying is if you put your energy in to making sure you have your own stash instead of bitching about how your buddy let you down. then maybe you would be smoking a bowl right now...

instead of, you know, bitching...


Well-Known Member
or just get a card and go to the clinic,thats wat i do, closest to wal mart ull get! but fuk drug dealers!!! mutha fukers make a gang of monee all while our economy goes to shit. i kno they r a few on here that r kool and hav good 'service' too.(and service is kinda ur thing as a delivery dealer too FYI) but there r those others! and fuk u! haha
this thread is dope!:hump:


Well-Known Member
yeah the shorting you and the waiting are seprate issues. on the shorting you and not answering calls....do what u want...but on not being their to sell you bud....sometimes its not availble it takes a long time to grow and sometimes availability and prices change. sounds like your FRIENDS a dick.


New Member
Not everybody is like that bro.

If I know you and you need a front, that's fine, and I won't put the price on a premium, either. I'm up 24/7 and will be at you in an hour tops round the clock. I'll meet you somewhere public at a half way point too. Unless I know you well, then I'll just come to your house. I do this not to be a nice guy but because my clients don't need to know where the fuck I live, but it works in their benefit either way.

My prices are reasonable, the weight is right, and I'll put my strains up with any in the world, and I mean that as someone who is traveled and not talking out of his ass. I take great pride in my stuff.

Not everybody in the game is a douche, bro. Look around. In this economy it's a buyers market. If your dealer is a bitch tell him to eat shit and die.


New Member
Exactly.. Happened to me all the time.. You know what I did instead of bitching?

Got into trafficking/dealing myself.. Become the dealer I wanted so bad.. I ended up getting so much business I worried about heat, and now I have 5 - 6 people selling for me because I got calls so much.. All my middlemen have strict rules and any complaints are directed to me.. I also pay them extremely well.. My suppliers love spotting me because they know i'll pay them back on time, I know what it's like to wait.. life is a business my friend.. and i'm only 19.

My advice?

Either find a better dealer (not advised), stash up, find out your dealers dealer, or become the dealer you wish you had.


Well-Known Member
Just go to a Chinese store there's always people out there with everything around here its good bud to.And quit bitching about it in threads like the other guy said its not fucking Walmart.I know for damn sure I would take my good old time paying you back.Go take his weed and money if your that mad just don't do no girl shit and fuck up his car without him knowing who did it.


Well-Known Member
Look. If your connection is dry, then go hit the street and pay top dollar for an underweight bag.

Your pot dealer is not fucking Wal-Mart...

Quit bitching cause you can't get what you want, when you want. If you wanted weed that bad, I guess you should have bought more. If you didnt have money, than you should have worked more. There shouldnt be excuses. If your buddy can get weed, so can you.

Maybe you could even, i dont know, try GROWING SOME!!!

It comes out of the ground you know, if you put some water on it...

dude, all Im saying is if you put your energy in to making sure you have your own stash instead of bitching about how your buddy let you down. then maybe you would be smoking a bowl right now...

instead of, you know, bitching...

LMAO. Well, while I appreciate my haters.. maybe if you actually knew this person I am talking about.. and maybe if you were in my shoes.. you might change your opinion. Obviously you have no idea of what I'm even talking about really.. I wasn't bitching actually.. just venting.

But yeah.. thanks. :sleep:


Well-Known Member
yeah the shorting you and the waiting are seprate issues. on the shorting you and not answering calls....do what u want...but on not being their to sell you bud....sometimes its not availble it takes a long time to grow and sometimes availability and prices change. sounds like your FRIENDS a dick.

I concur with you..

the thing is... is this cat ALWAYS has bud. No joke either.. he's always got at least an OZ of kind nugs laying around.

He's just like I am... I have to smoke.. or I would either go insane mentally.. or just flip the fuck out with anxiety that I have.

Thank God I have a script for Xanex though.. I just don't like taking them all the time. just some times.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
When times were tight the middle man would always pinch a nug... and when "you" got the bag it was 2.8 - 3.0 grams :(

When times were good, you'd get 3.5 and he'd pack you a fat bowl (1 gram) in the 4 chamber - 4 footer. It usually worked itself out.

Either way there are few things better than getting a new sack of chronic, it always has a Christmasy feel to it.

Of course this is all relative cause a getting a perfect sack can't compare to the full body happiness I experience when liberating a lady from her brazier !
