I Grew My Plants Too Tall In Veg!!!!


Well-Known Member
i think i may be a little screwed!! i have plants that went into flower at roughly 24". most are shorter, and a few are taller. but i have Plushberry, Jack The Ripper and Space Bomb. i have heard some strains only double in vertical growth in flower, and some triple. i have run this thread in the Subcool section and nobody wanted to help. has anyone ran these strains indoors and has a bases of what i can expect for overall growth in flower? im not looking for an exact measurement, just a rough estimate so i know whats ahead. i have been using bamboo shoots to support the branches and see if i can clear up a little horizontal branches inwards more, so there is not as much crowding. i expect at least 100g per plant at this rate if not more. if im growing 5ft tall tress indoors, it better be worth all the work.

ps. this is not my first grow. i tried to get them in flower sooner but i had major issues come up preventing me from doing such.


Active Member
you should top them before you get far into flower. this way they grow otuward and not so much upward. i switch to bloom at 24" or so and i always end up fine


Active Member
if you don't want to top them now, you could get more heavy duty stakes at a nursery and bend them. if you can't raise the light any more , move them to the side of the light , the plant wouldn't really grow much past the light since it grows toward the light


Active Member
ll yes you can top .. but do you have any horisontal space, so then you can pull down some growth Lst style so you don't loose a few grams of the yield . but if not. ya top .. pics?


Well-Known Member
okay. i do NOT think topping is my best choice. i topped them prior to flowering. and i top them about every 3 nodes. my plants are quite bushy, as i do more of a FIM technique on them. i will upload few pics from the other day to show you peeps what im up against. i usually never have any issues with vertical growth and always veg til 24" however, there is always 1-3 plants that get too tall for the canopy and end up growing beyond the lights rays. i stick those plants in the corners and rotate them daily. i have been doing this for the past few grows and im quite tired of it. i wanted something a tad bit easier, but without loosing too much yield. i get about 100g per plant. well, roughly 3oz average. and my last harvest i harvested over 4ozs off 1 plant. but vegged here a little bit too long and had major issues with her growing beyond the light. so i was hoping to not have those problems again. and shit bit me in the ass!!

is topping or LST'ing my only only options? i wouldn't mind topping them again, but they all have about 8 tops each. except for the few i dont top. i will look for a few pics to upload. thanks for the help!!!