I hate sad news....


Well-Known Member
So we found out my Grandpa has liver cancer about 4 months ago.Hes hella siick he fell down and broke some ribs a few days ago so we have been stressin hard.Well last night my cousin called me and told me his Dad witch is my uncle by marriage has cancer that started in his pancreas and spread to lungs and brain.Im just devastated man.My same cousins older sister my cuz Jen dided a year ago almost from cancer,My uncle died dec 5th of cancer.My other grabdpa died january 5th.Its been a tuff stretch.I just keep my head up and show as much love as i can.My uncle is from oregon and a medical marijuana user.I wanna see if Rick Simpson will give him hemp oil

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
A few weeks ago I lost my younger brother and my mother in a 8 day period. I was in shock for 2 weeks. Sorry for your pain. It gets better with time. Staying busy in my garden was good therapy.


New Member
So we found out my Grandpa has liver cancer about 4 months ago.Hes hella siick he fell down and broke some ribs a few days ago so we have been stressin hard.Well last night my cousin called me and told me his Dad witch is my uncle by marriage has cancer that started in his pancreas and spread to lungs and brain.Im just devastated man.My same cousins older sister my cuz Jen dided a year ago almost from cancer,My uncle died dec 5th of cancer.My other grabdpa died january 5th.Its been a tuff stretch.I just keep my head up and show as much love as i can.My uncle is from oregon and a medical marijuana user.I wanna see if Rick Simpson will give him hemp oil

Man, Im sorry to hear this, Do you live in an area with a high cancer rate or does it just run in your family? I watched my uncle die from melonoma (skin cancer) Its fucking the cruelist thing ever! Stay positive and keep your head up man....


Well-Known Member
We are from all over oregon and california..I been keeping positive being with my daughter really helps.We are a very close family I was just in oregon a few weeks ago visiting my Gpa and he was fine hella chilling smokin and shit.We got hella blazed and I stared at his shop full of indoor just zoning.We wanna use the hemp oil that Rick Simpson plugs but i dunno where to start


Well-Known Member
wow thats too much to handle. my moms been gone for 2 years now and im not over that but to deal with tragedy over and over am so sry to hear that man. wish the best for u n ur family..

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
We wanna use the hemp oil that Rick Simpson plugs but i dunno where to start
He has a tutorial that is available online and he shows how he makes it. It takes lots of bud to make a small amount of the oil and it is a dangerous process (explosive chemicals) and has to be done outside for ventilation and no sparks around the process.


Well-Known Member
Very sad... but is a wakeup call to you to get your family and yourself checked every year for cancer, since it seems to run in your family there's probably a good chance you might develop it as well and as long as it's caught very early, you'll be in good shape. Also, as you probably know, if a Dr. doesn't find anything, go to another Dr, always get 2nd opinions.


Well-Known Member
yea my dad gets checked alot me not so much.I dont have health care right now so its hard to get anyone to see me unless im dying.


Active Member
i can feel your pain my father in law just died in march of lung cancer that spread, my thoughts are with you during this hard time, i kno wwhat you are going threw he die din my arms


Well-Known Member
A few weeks ago I lost my younger brother and my mother in a 8 day period. I was in shock for 2 weeks. Sorry for your pain. It gets better with time. Staying busy in my garden was good therapy.
dude u got to be strong ass hell cuz i would go so fuckin crazy

my condolences go out to u bro


Active Member
A few weeks ago I lost my younger brother and my mother in a 8 day period. I was in shock for 2 weeks. Sorry for your pain. It gets better with time. Staying busy in my garden was good therapy.
Sorry to hear for your troubles, they say time heals all wounds but it is not fast enough fo rme


Well-Known Member
So now I dunno how it worked out like this but my Gpa and my uncle both passed yesterday.My uncle at around 6 am and my Gpa passed at 11:15 pm.Shitty day.......


New Member
So sorry for your loss bro....Their at peace now im sure....my father in law was rushed by ambulance at 5;30 am this morning, he has copd and emphysema, he died once and is now on life support not expecting to make it......He,s like a father to me....just saying your not alone man....Ill keep you in my thoughts n prayers...keep strong....