I Have A Bubbler Never Use It For This reason


Well-Known Member
hey i have a bubbler collecting dust and i just dont use it because everytime i grow in it my plants leaves always start to slowl turn yellow so i tale them out fast and put them in dirt before anything else goes wrong.....why does this always happin i just use water thats it...is there anytrhing i can use to stop it from yellowing dirt never does this really dirt always keeps ur leafs nice and green


Well-Known Member
Theyre turning yellow because water doesnt have any nutrients in it. When a plant is in dirt, the only thing you need to give it is water, because the dirt holds plenty of nutes to keep the plant alive. (perhaps not THRIVE, but it will live in dirt without adding nutes). Such is NOT true for hydro. The plant has nowhere to pull nutrients from, so it depends on you to give it to them. A solution of only water will not support plant life. You need to add some type of plant food for them to thrive in there. Keep in mind, you need to monitor your water ph and EC (ppm). Both things (ph and ec) need to be kept within a certain range. If you can do this, and give the plant enough light, you will be successful.


Well-Known Member
PH is the wate level suppose to be betwen 6.0 and 7.0 but whats EC? and what would be good to use can i buy a certain type of nutes from a home garden center is a water disolving nute good how much should i use in by bubbled id say its a 8 gallon one its of those u buy off ebay 6 pots in it made out of a hard plastic basin


Well-Known Member
good question about nutes, my hydro shop is insane expensive like 40 bucks for PH up alone... so i went and bought a box of miracle grow blooming formula the blue crystals for my DWC system can it be used for flowering?


Well-Known Member
good question about nutes, my hydro shop is insane expensive like 40 bucks for PH up alone... so i went and bought a box of miracle grow blooming formula the blue crystals for my DWC system can it be used for flowering?
yes but if you use those, you might want to put the nutes in a seperate cup, stir it up till it dissolves, then filter out the rest of the debris, all before you actually put it in your res. Otherwise toxic salts and other shit will build up....


Well-Known Member
yes but if you use those, you might want to put the nutes in a seperate cup, stir it up till it dissolves, then filter out the rest of the debris, all before you actually put it in your res. Otherwise toxic salts and other shit will build up....good shit perhaps thats why my plant leaves are yellowing. def not nute burn tho


Well-Known Member
hey i have a bubbler collecting dust and i just dont use it because everytime i grow in it my plants leaves always start to slowl turn yellow so i tale them out fast and put them in dirt before anything else goes wrong.....why does this always happin i just use water thats it...is there anytrhing i can use to stop it from yellowing dirt never does this really dirt always keeps ur leafs nice and green
Your plants are turning yellow because they have no nitrogen, you have to feed them. Your Ph should be between 5.5-5.9


Active Member
Yo bro before you mess with the water you really need to read up on it truthfully its more then what you think


Active Member
Here some info:
Ph water 5.5-6
Nutrients-Micro,Grow, Bloom
keep water 1-2 inches below net pot
water temps 60 degrees or less 45 minimum but 60-65 good
Plants need nitrogen thats in Grow
Micronutrients thats in Micro
Bloom to flower!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, all together npk