I have a little problem!


New Member
Hey guys I am some problems with my plant leafs. Some of them are just completely dying off and as a first time grower, have no idea what's happening. I have been researching but not much i found has been related to my situation. It is an organic grow so I am not using any nutes. It's 3 weeks now and the newer upper leafs are starting to die off. I topped it about 3 days ago from today. Can anyone tell me what is happening to my plant and how to fix it? Thanks again!



Well-Known Member
you need to take a pic of the whole plant and give us a bit of info on soil, enviroment, are you ph ing your water, are you following the wet dry cycle when watering ?


Well-Known Member
Seems almost like water burn marks.

When ur watering make sure not to splash on the leaves and leave water on them. It will cause burn spots simular to what yours looks like.


Well-Known Member
growing under the sun will make the plant very tall. you will have difficulty bringing it inside in the future. maybe put a big container on wheels with lots of soil so you can wheel it around rather than lift it, and you'll probably have to add some ferts pretty soon.