I have a question about switching light hours!


Well, I Have a 4 1/2 footer It was in Preflower but now its 16/8 due to putting it outside.

Will the plant go threw the hole outdoor cycle from 16 hours and descending or will the plant not make it?

The plants getting taller and budding more i believe this is a good sign.:weed::weed::weed::weed:

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Its probably going to continue to flower for a few weeks then begin to reveg once days get a bit longer. As long as you keep it healthy it will return to flower in the fall and finish accordingly...


Well-Known Member
and it will get bigger for having been revegged during this time..so when it does flower it will be even larger with more tops on it.


Well-Known Member
4 1/2 feet tall now and another 2-3 months veg for the summer season that thing is going to be a fucking monster make sure you have it in at least a 30 gal container man if you can get a 55 gal drum that would be even better, you will have a 10 lb plant by end of summer if you give it the room to grow and proper nutrition :)