i have a question again


Active Member
lol ok i have been thinking and you know how humans live off of oxygen and plants live off CO2 ok what would happen if i like got one of those large paintball cannisters and filled it up with CO2 and like slow released it on my plants for a certain period of time per day, it would be like a breath of fresh air to the plant right? i mean humans get pure oxygen and they get a sort of high, if plants got pure CO2 would they grow better?:joint:


Active Member
ok Damnit these fucking sprouts have been up for almost 3 weeks now and NONE of the 7 that i have can stand up on there own without a support stick, why the hell wont they fucking stand up i have one outside and the rest in my grow box


Well-Known Member
If they wont stand up on their own that probably means they are pretty stretched, try moving them closer to the lights.
Get them as close as you can without burning them.
With CFL's you can usually get within 4" and still be ok.

A lot of bigtime growers use a slow relesae CO2 system to aide their plant growth and it does work.
But the paintball canister (unless its a big one) will need to be refilled every few days i would think, and that is just a pain in the butt.

Another way to generate CO2 is to build a small "Generator"
Basically it consists of a few items

1gallon container with a fitted lid.
5 cups sugar
couple tablespoons of ACTIVE yeast.

Throw all the ingredients togehehr in the 1gallon container, throw in half a gallon of water.
Shake/mix it up well
Cut/melt a hole in the lid of the container about the same width as a pencil.

In a few hours you will start to see the concoction start to "fizz", this is the yeast turning the sugar into CO2.
Give the container a shake every once in a while to release more co2.
If it stops fizzing, the mixture needs to be replaced.

Usually good for 2-3 weeks.


Active Member
I have heard of spraying the plants with carbonic acid (seltzer water) as to give the plants a slow release of CO2. Though i am not sure of the effectiveness of this method.


Well-Known Member
I assume you're talking about spraying the leaves themselves?

Theres problems with misting plants when the lights are on.
Burns them or wilts the leaves or something like that, i'm not 100% on what it actually does but i've heard its not a great idea.


Active Member
thanx guys i have been watching all of this stuff and i started growing these plants all in one pot by the window and i think thats why they are so stretched, i really dont mind the support sticks i just want to know if they will need it like always you know, like when they get bigger will they jus like fall over?, another thing i have been doing is putting fert sticks in the soil in my grow box, it doesent burn them because its slow release so i think that will help them alot. thanx for the help