I have a temperature question for my seedlings....please help


Well-Known Member
i just planted my seeds in rockwool today and my propagation room is at 79% humidity and 88 degrees F. ..just wondering were these temps pretty ideal for little seedlings that havent even sprouted out the rockwool yet?...or should i lower the temperature. let me know thanks rollitup.


Well-Known Member
I think you'll be fine with those numbers, maybe a touch high but wouldnt be too overly concerned at this point.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
You may as well get temps stabilized for where you will want them for the rest of veg - high 70s. 88 might not be too hot now in incubation, but it soon will be. There's no advantage to having it over 80.


Well-Known Member
its fine. i live in florida, put 2 CFL's in a box with some soil etc and it works and there is no ventilation in the box at all so i would imagine its pretty hot.. it works every time in like 2-3 days.