I have kind of an odd question

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
For all you experienced indoor growers, I have my veg/mother area running opposite of my flower tent. Flower tent runs at night to keep temps down, veg area runs during day in an effort to keep things on the DL and not spike my power usage during certain times, pirate life still. My question is this, I'd imagine this would stress the hell out of my clones or mother's when switching to 12/12, since the first day of flip they're pretty much getting over 24 hours of light which hurts my brain to think about, then dropped to 12/12. Would this be enough to cause a plant to badly herm? I ask because I currently have a test plant about a week or two into the flip and it's showing what looks like balls (fem seeds), still pre flowers hard to tell. Wondering if I might have screwed myself
Lots of people veg under with 24/7 and then go straight to 12/12 for flower without any issues. That's not going to cause your plant to herm.
Yeah I'm aware, I guess I should have thought about that. I'm just trying to rule out any wrong doing on my part before I point any fingers or contact the breeder. I run my veg on 16/8 (also in an effort to keep power spikes low) so they would be going from 16/8 to around 28 hours of constant light back down to 12/12 the second day
I veg 24/0 and have kicked into flower several times with no problems.. This will not cause hermies, major light leaks however will..
I live in one of the worst places to grow. Unless you have something big going, you worry too much. You have a few tents in 1 room so it cant be too big. Do you wait until a certain time to turn a PC on? Wash a load of laundry? Dishes? etc...
I veg 24/0 and have kicked into flower several times with no problems.. This will not cause hermies, major light leaks however will..
That could very well be the issue, I have had 2 plants throw a few balls on the lowers, contributed it to 2 power outages where humidity spiked to 90+% since I haven't seen any since the initial ones. The plant in question wasn't in the flower tent yet, this is all for the sake of not pointing unwarranted blame
I live in one of the worst places to grow. Unless you have something big going, you worry too much. You have a few tents in 1 room so it cant be too big. Do you wait until a certain time to turn a PC on? Wash a load of laundry? Dishes? etc...
Well no I don't, but I also don't have my pc and laundry on a set timer to run during certain times of days where it's easy to see the spike
Well no I don't, but I also don't have my pc and laundry on a set timer to run during certain times of days where it's easy to see the spike
I would not worry about spikes these days.. With all the electronic devices people use these days, there is no way someone can say you are growing because you have things on timers.. Not to mention power companies welcome the spikes.. The days of boosting energy, hiding in cupboards and bypassing meters have long been gone.
I appreciate the feedback, I should mention I'm not inexperienced with the plant just always ran outdoors. So some insight on how indoors is ran now a days is helpful. Back when I half assed it inside when I was young and dumb I remember power spikes being a very real thing. I probably am over thinking the issue
Probably right, but I'd rather be safe than sorry when we're talking about years in federal prison.

The feds are not doing anything unless you have a huge illegal grow operation. If you're not in a legal state it's the local authorities you need to worry about. The feds won't get out of bed over a couple grow tents.

You have to be using a ton of power that far exceeds residential use for the power company to even care about it.
Think of guys with a welding machine or two in the garage. Every time they strike an ark they are doing more than you are stressing over.
So I can rule out the stress of the sudden fluctuation of day/night cycles. I'll have to go thru and check for any light leaks
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