I have mold


So this is my second grow and i chopped four days ago and set my stems up to hang. I checked them today as usual and I found some white fuzzy mold (looks like spiderwebs) on the outside of the cola (about a cubic centimeter). i bust it open all along the stem and i found two more fuzz patches, the same size or smaller. nothing has turned to mush or brown, its still all green. is my whole crop screwed? its only one plant and its my second grow so I'm not that upset. I'm still learning. any tips on what to do? ive seen a lot of people say just turn it into hash. help me!


yeah i just checked the three buds i had removed from the cola where i had spotted a small amount. i left them by the window all day and upon checking them now the mold has progressed to a solid white and is actually consuming the entire bud now. how ever the rest of the buds seem to be in good condition. i just pryed apart all of the buds and didnt find any mold with my naked eye. i guess i should just keep checking every few hours.


yeah i,ve just harvested my crop about a week early as there was mold on a few of the main colas, i still have one plant in the grow tent which was way behind and thats just about finished now maybe 2 more days.

any way back to the point i harvested the plants which had mold on them and pulled the molding parts of the colas and about a centimetre all around the area and threw it in the bin.

i made sure everything was keep sterile as to not transfer and mold spores onto other bud with scissors hands etc..

id recommend just keep checking every day for mold spore after you,ve removed the affected bits and do it very thouroghly or your whole crop will be wrecked!!

hope this helps and make sure you air dry for long enough to make sure theres no moisture left before putting in jars as that would be a haven for mold to breed