I have my op all dialed in except...Question for perpetual growers

As I said I have all things running pretty smooth. Except my mothers. My moms are getting way to big. I hate taking clones off the top because they seem to take longer to root but I have taken them just to get the plant shorter. The damn things still grow so fast I cant keep up with them. How often do you guy/gals change out your moms?

I really wanted to keep the original seed for the mother but I am on my second mom and now she has taken over.

I hear of people keeping a mom for 7 years....


Active Member
I never keep mothers, I take 2 cuttings from all my plants before putting them into the tent to flower.

As for fast growth, after I couldn't give away clones anymore (I only know 2 growers) I just destroy them. I always have more plants than I need to put into the tent.


Well-Known Member
Same here I take new cuttings and destroy the older plants, I am starting to put plants in dirt for redundancy now just in case though.. But keeping mothers can be done correctly as well first it sounds like you have too much light on her and second you can LST her you know. Try some searching see what you find, I am not experienced with this but I have read so much good info spoken upon the subject. This is just an example I would put this in Google, Google sees this as only search the site rollitup.org.. Also search for anything that has the exact phrases in the quotes anywhere in the document, you are telling Google to search for something with spaces in it as if it were one word. This gives you the ability to search for phrases.. Here's an example if you click it, it will automatically put the search in google just like this. You can copy/paste this into a new google to get the same results, but it should already should you it right in the search box just as below too once you click it..

site:rollitup.org "mother plant" dirt cutting nutrients


Well-Known Member
i have a one and a half year old mother that is tall and i am basically in the same boat. this was a seed mother. the rest of my mums are from clones and are much younger. I don't even take many clones off of them but have them around merely for genetics. they are in soil and in low light cfl tent. cfls and t8's in the tent.


Well-Known Member
There is a cheap cloner I use referred to as the Stinkbud Cloner and it would work for a lot of things definitely dirt because I start my cuttings in here then just move them to dirt. The stem just goes in a 2 inch collar in a netcup and I spray tap water on it with some PVC pipes, cheap sprayers and a cheap 396GPH pump. The rooting time is 3 to 28 days depending on environment and strain lol Some strains take forever most root pretty quick especially with 1200PPM c02 now, laugh.. You can ignore the instructions also on that site about using CloneX unless you have problems, I use tap water 700PPM to root my clones, then the ones for dirt as soon as I see a nice bush of roots coming out I put them in light moist dirt, gently pat the dirt down to get her to stand and give her very low lighting until she takes. Then treat her like a veg plant and yes I do run Aero NFT and Dirt in my flower room, I like dirt.


P.S. I think for anyone running dirt they should be aware you can make one of these for cheap as hell and it runs of water man!! Hyde would be proud man, oh and some electricity.. hehehe
There is a cheap cloner I use referred to as the Stinkbud Cloner and it would work for a lot of things definitely dirt because I start my cuttings in here then just move them to dirt. The stem just goes in a 2 inch collar in a netcup and I spray tap water on it with some PVC pipes, cheap sprayers and a cheap 396GPH pump. The rooting time is 3 to 28 days depending on environment and strain lol Some strains take forever most root pretty quick especially with 1200PPM c02 now, laugh.. You can ignore the instructions also on that site about using CloneX unless you have problems, I use tap water 700PPM to root my clones, then the ones for dirt as soon as I see a nice bush of roots coming out I put them in light moist dirt, gently pat the dirt down to get her to stand and give her very low lighting until she takes. Then treat her like a veg plant and yes I do run Aero NFT and Dirt in my flower room, I like dirt.


P.S. I think for anyone running dirt they should be aware you can make one of these for cheap as hell and it runs of water man!! Hyde would be proud man, oh and some electricity.. hehehe
I have 2 cloners that are basically the same as what you are describing. LST sounds like it will be my best bet. I have been playing around with dirt. Its just to dirty! I like to have everything as clean as possible. Thanks for the suggestions.


Well-Known Member
i had moms on a table where i can easily trim them, i would trim down every week or 2, and keep few shoots and prepare them for cloning, that is prune them and keep the top fan leaves on them, when its time to clone they would be tall branches with top fan leaves getting all the light no useless branches blocking them. they were nice bonsai plants but they had to go because now, i grow only once every year or less, no more perpetual, so i start every grow from seed


Lower light levels & a diluted veg base will help keep em in stasis.
I top my mothers if theyre a leggy strain like Cherry or OG kush, topping lower branches can help as well.


Well-Known Member
Don't be afraid to hack them down to size, whats the worst that could happen if you do a half way complainant job? They will be stagnant for a few weeks while they recover. It will grow if you give it light, air, and nutes always. Good luck...JR
a very noob question prolly I dont know... but why NOT keep the originals rather than the clones? Are the do they grow faster or somethin?


Well-Known Member
Yeah OG Kush likes that sprint upwards and on these type I typically wait until that first huge burst is over before chopping lower growth, otherwise it has higher root mass to foliage mass and would probably just energize that upward sprint even more. But as far as trimming the lower growth, so under rated for how good of an idea it is, topping I am not that fond of my system runs my plants to close together and it crowds everything up.


Well-Known Member
a very noob question prolly I dont know... but why NOT keep the originals rather than the clones? Are the do they grow faster or somethin?
I would always keep the "original". There is a thing called genetic drifting, where the strain starts to loose some of it's good traits or weakens is some way, after you clone from a clone from a clone. Just an example. Some strain are more sensitive to this and there are strains that are suppose to be "clone only" strains so who knows, maybe someone has a 12 foot tall mother somewhere and is making millions off of OG Kush clones. IDK

I don't really get what you are asking now that I read your question again. Most keep the mom/original and flower the clones,so maybe you are confused here. A more established plant will grow faster than a cutting that has no roots,so yeah it will grow faster.
Clones will be faster than a seed in most cases, Sorry for the rant.....Hope that makes sense..JR


Active Member
I disagree jrinlv,

a clone of a plant has the EXACT same genetic make up as the mother. I'm pretty sure genetic drift describes something completely different.
That is why the title says perpetual growers. notice how everyone else knows what i am talking about.

Thanks Homebrewer. I hacked her up pretty good a couple of days ago. she is taking it well. I was afraid to take to much off of her.