This is gonna take a minute.Gimme a sec

. Ok refreshed. Indoor growing is more limited space wise so you can typically expect smaller plants than grown indoors. That said, I've seen a 14 footer grown indoor, she was in an arboretum but she was enormous. you say "finished sheetrock"... what about insulation? My garage is finished, but no insulation in it, cost cutting corner most home building companies exploit without homeowner knowledge.
Even with that much space, I would recommend starting small. Im not saying you can't go whole hog and dropa few grand for lights, heating, cooling, odor control and pest management. If you're going to run that whole room you'll need at least a couple dedicated circuits in your breaker box. These are all upgrades I intend for my grow... over time. But starting small will get some knowledge going and let you find out how passionate you are about growing cannabis. What kind of lighting are you planning on? Hps, LED, Quantum, halide, fluorescent, hybrid?
Keep the Qs coming i'll help as much as I can. For creds: only 2 years growing cannabis, always indoor with very limited temperature and humidity control in Oklahoma(I fully understand extreme temps and variation) , Dwc method, two tents, one flower tent and one veg, auto seedling and clone tent.