I Have Questions...Please Help!


Active Member
Hi, i am planning to grow indoor soon(well asoon as i get money for lights)i will be growing in soil, and growing 8 plants and a mother i will only be flowering my clones and harvesting 2 plants every 2 weeks and planting another 2
( someone has a post about that) anyway i am thinking of either useing this light-SH Hydroponics, Inc. > Multi Spectrum 315 Watt CFL Light Bank
or a 400/1000 watt hps....electric bill is a real concern...but will i be able to grow 8 plants in a homeade grow box lined with mylar(havnt made it yet but i know exactly how its gonna look) with that cfl light? maybe 2 of those... but that is more money then a 400 watt hps.... my main question is do u think i could grow 8 smallish plants that will go flower a soon as put in soil with that cfl light??? Does anyone have a good soil mix too? i was thinking just some regular soil with no fertilisors in it with some perlite or something.

If i can use the cheaper light for 8 plants i may grow hydro with 8 or 4 of these SH Hydroponics, Inc. > Bucketeer DWC Kit
I'm not possitive what the plan is...i am willing to change everything...any suggestions are welcome! oh... how much would a 400 watt hps on 12/12 dent the electric bill and how much would a 1000 watt??
thanks alot!


Well-Known Member
i heared nothing but bad things bout sh,u can make all that stuff on ur own for cheaper,just go to walmart and u got everythning u need to for a fun afternoon alone with a blunt and yourself savin money


Well-Known Member
Okay I wouldnt buy the buckets or the light from SH. Only thing thy are good for are the bubbleponics.
You can build that bucket for way less than they charge. And theres no building justl
net pot
air pump n airstone.

I'd get the 400w from High Tech Garden Supply you can get one for $117, instead of those cfls if you can cool the light or are in a fairly large grow space.
You can get those cfls for $30 a pop SH is marking up like mad.

I don't know the cost to run the light off top my dome right now.

But I do need to ask hydro or soil?


Active Member
I'm not sure about hydro or soil... the only thing with soil is i might not be able to water it every day...so thats why im thinking hydro.

Oh and i cant order from htg supply cuz i live in canada...

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
if you go soil, you don't need to water every day. usually every 3-5 days. you want the soil to dry some between waterings. promotes good root growth and strength. g/l


Active Member
I am gonna go soil because it will be easier(for me)
So i was thinking a standard planting soil with no nutes already in it mixed with some perlite possibly or is just garden soil ok?
So could i grow 8 smallish plants(the biggest plants about to be harvested will have been growing for 8 weeks only flowering from clones)

Will a 400 watt hps grow 8 plants??

What Nutes do u suggest keeping in mind i can only feed it for about 5-6 weeks cuz i need about 2 weeks to flush i think....or can i just not use nutes cuz that would be even better unless it starts showing that it needs a nute. Growing organicly would be sweet- i dont want no chemicals in my bud.
Thanks alot people


Well-Known Member
every grower ive ever known used or uses soil and as for cfls you have a home depot nearby tha walmart here has shit foar bulbs too but homedepot doesnt probably lowes or another general hardware store


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