I have sad plants.

Was going great and then all of a sudden I have sad plants.
Trying to follow all the rules, not sure what I'm doing wrong.
I'm thinking, from what the guides say, I either have some over-fert, too much H2O or maybe some kind of nutes imbalance.
Any ideas people?

thanks in advance!!



Active Member
Was going great and then all of a sudden I have sad plants.
Trying to follow all the rules, not sure what I'm doing wrong.
I'm thinking, from what the guides say, I either have some over-fert, too much H2O or maybe some kind of nutes imbalance.
Any ideas people?

thanks in advance!!
could be a toxic salt build up, over-watering is surprisingly hard to do ,let it dry out or water it as it cud just be too dry, its not nutrient deficiency/toxicity cuz ur leaves would have shown , possibly a ph imbalance too
id say, check the ph and if it persists, flush it


Well-Known Member
Plus those peat cups suck i screwed my 2nd grow up with them unless you are planting them outside because inside the roots will have a hard time penetrating them & stay waterlogged in bigger containers drowning the plants.


Well-Known Member
dry them out and try and save the one. there easy to over water. dont water everyday thos are big pots they show be good for 3 to 4 days under fluoresces


Ha, i was about to say, even in my novice experience, looks like the poor gal is drowning. Dry her out, and if you can, put her outside, she'll perk up :)