I have thrips. Now what?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure I have thrips now. A few weeks ago I noticed these spots, and couldn't find any insects. I am now seeing things around which after reading appears to be adult thrips!

I have no idea how I got them. but anyways how do I get rid of these things?

I'm seeing a ton of different sprays and methods on google, but wondering what people have done in here

my grow is indoor in a cabinet

here is a few pics of the damage



Well-Known Member
Well I've been reading for 3 hours now. Can't find much about the best way to get rid of them.

I think im gonna go the natural way and use insects

About to order the following
5,000 Thrips Predator Mites (Amblyseius cucumeris) - this will take care of them crawling/flying
One Million Double-Death Mix Predator Nematodes - this will take care of anything in the soil

oh and this One package of 5 Blue Sticky Traps
that will just help get the others flying around so they cant lay eggs


Well-Known Member
my friend tells me that he's always used neem oil for insects. its cheap and u can find it almost anywhere