I just almost killed somebody


Well-Known Member
So my pops owns a liquor store and I close up for him everynight at 2am. And as we all know that 11pm to 2 am are the tweeker/jackass hours, especially on a busy street like mines. So anyhow these two underage mexican kids are outside and they're asking people to buy alcohol for them(one of them got in a knife fight here 3 weeks ago and he had to go to the hospital). And also they're both fucked up on some kind of drug...So I go outside and I ask them about 4-5 times to stop asking people for alcohol and to leave. They dont do it and I threaten to call 5-0. One of them gets in my face and tries to grab my glasses and then I grabbed his hand, shoved his ass on the ground, locked the door on his bitch ass and got them arrested. I wish he would have came with a knife again and pulled it on me, I woulda been happy to grab the new 9 milla my pops just bought and put it to good use...all this happened like 20 mins ago...just felt like clearin my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
you'd seriously shoot some kid? I mean, yeah, he's being a jackass, but he's just a stupid kid. Not that I'm cool with that, he does indeed deserve an ass whuppin.

lol, but kids needing to learn some respect is a rant for another thread. I just don't think shooting him would have been reasonable or realistic.


Well-Known Member
hey, i have a gun, and i'm not afraid to leave it at home...

seriously, if it came down to a point where i needed a gun to shoot someone id deserve to be in jail, why shoot him when you could have initially just called the cops? i mean you asked them to leave more than once, after 2 times call the cops fuck it, probably doing them(the kids) a favor in the long run...unless the Department of Stupid Shit(DSS) is involved, then they're fucked no matter what...


Well-Known Member
All this talk about the poor punk who coulda been shot is crazy,dont anybody watch or listen to the news,morgues are full of innocent citizens who waited on cops to come protect them.

I say drop their ass as soon as shit hits the fan,punks dont fight fair,if you wait for an eye for an eye type scenario its too late for you,punks go from agruing to straight out murder.

Watch your back no bro & put that 9 on your belt in a holster,you know the drill,most likely their not done with you,be prepared.


Well-Known Member
Yeah storm the plan was to call the cops all along but as soon as I got on the phone one of them tried to attack me and I shoved his ass on the ground. Wouldnt you do the same thing? I could have done a lot worse but I thought of my dad's business and I didn't want any legal trouble later on.

And yeah wikidbtch...I do have them outgunned because we have a baby 45 here that can do a lot of damage too. I've seen more horrible things happen to other people and I dont want that to happen to me or the family I have working with me. When it comes down to it...it's either those underage kids get their alcohol, get in another gang fight, tell the cops they got it from our store, and we get shut down...or I save my dad's business and do somethin about it because they threatened to shut down our store last time because of the minors gettin alcohol from others.

I'm not saying I would have shot 'em right off back but if it came to that point where I gotta choose between shooting one guy in the arm or thigh or shin (areas where it's not considered intent to kill) or my dads business being shut down you better belive that I choose to put a cap in their asses...This is how my father supports our family....you have to protect your livelyhood.


Well-Known Member
got me laughin serious i live in a city infested with crime, gangs, murder, dealers, who cares, i been shot at stabbed, and jumped, it don't matter, you never need to kill people to get a msg across, cuz thats when you get retaliation, as soon as you smoke one of those "punks" then the rest of them come to smoke you, eye for an eye exactly.

I watched my cousin get mowed down when i lived in NJ, i seen a lot of funerals and a lot of shit, and just killing someone doesn't make shit better, there's a time when you need to grow up and actually think about your actions, cuz where I'm from thats all you have, and if you make the wrong actions you pay for it in the long run. I'm not a peace activist, i believe there are occasions when one should fight, but what ever happened to fists? why all the guns and shit, you think you're tough cuz you can pull a trigger? fuck that.


Well-Known Member
All this talk about the poor punk who coulda been shot is crazy,dont anybody watch or listen to the news,morgues are full of innocent citizens who waited on cops to come protect them.

I say drop their ass as soon as shit hits the fan,punks dont fight fair,if you wait for an eye for an eye type scenario its too late for you,punks go from agruing to straight out murder.

Watch your back no bro & put that 9 on your belt in a holster,you know the drill,most likely their not done with you,be prepared.
Yeah bro I hear you. We've owned this business since 1992...And I've been dealing with this crap for a while. When people threaten you or somone around your business, it's going too far. If any customer would have gotten hurt it would have been our fault. I'm still pretty pissed over this shit but what can you do. One thing I have to commend is how fast the cops got here...2 minutes!


Well-Known Member
Yeah storm the plan was to call the cops all along but as soon as I got on the phone one of them tried to attack me and I shoved his ass on the ground. Wouldnt you do the same thing? I could have done a lot worse but I thought of my dad's business and I didn't want any legal trouble later on.
I understand what ya dealin with bro, for real, and i respect ya for thinkin of your fam, but "IF" you had shot them then that would have subjected you to many many consequences, the gun laws around here, are really iffy bout when it's ok to shoot someone, and if the person lives they can turn around and sue you for everything, even press charges-

You stated they were Mexican, If you are not mexican they can say you shot them based on race, if it wasn't on camera and there were no witnesses that could also fuck you up. I've been in similar shit if he came at you with a knife then ya throw him on the ground call po-9 and laugh when he's arrested, you did the right thing, im just sayin talkin bout blastin him isn't the best first response.


Well-Known Member
If you owned a business you would know that fighting back ends up in lawsuits and wether you win or lose, you lose a lot of money. When you got shot at or someone stabbed you, they didn't try to take away your bread and butter (ie my store). I know the law. I know when to fight back and when to shoot back. I will always do the right thing especially when it comes to my fathers business. I will always know when to fight with fists and when to fight with bullets. In a perfect world you can talk people out of shit...but once you go thru the shit I have to...I'm sure your perception of the whole situation will be completely different.

got me laughin serious i live in a city infested with crime, gangs, murder, dealers, who cares, i been shot at stabbed, and jumped, it don't matter, you never need to kill people to get a msg across, cuz thats when you get retaliation, as soon as you smoke one of those "punks" then the rest of them come to smoke you, eye for an eye exactly.

I watched my cousin get mowed down when i lived in NJ, i seen a lot of funerals and a lot of shit, and just killing someone doesn't make shit better, there's a time when you need to grow up and actually think about your actions, cuz where I'm from thats all you have, and if you make the wrong actions you pay for it in the long run. I'm not a peace activist, i believe there are occasions when one should fight, but what ever happened to fists? why all the guns and shit, you think you're tough cuz you can pull a trigger? fuck that.


Well-Known Member
got me laughin serious i live in a city infested with crime, gangs, murder, dealers, who cares, i been shot at stabbed, and jumped, it don't matter, you never need to kill people to get a msg across, cuz thats when you get retaliation, as soon as you smoke one of those "punks" then the rest of them come to smoke you, eye for an eye exactly.

I watched my cousin get mowed down when i lived in NJ, i seen a lot of funerals and a lot of shit, and just killing someone doesn't make shit better, there's a time when you need to grow up and actually think about your actions, cuz where I'm from thats all you have, and if you make the wrong actions you pay for it in the long run. I'm not a peace activist, i believe there are occasions when one should fight, but what ever happened to fists? why all the guns and shit, you think you're tough cuz you can pull a trigger? fuck that.
Storm, I would SO rep you for that, if the system would let me.

Too many punk ass kids think they're hard because they have a gun. Whatever happened to fucking handling your shit like a man? Whatever happened to using your fists, and just settling it?


Well-Known Member
when i got shot it wasn't in the same circumstance when i was stabbed it wasn't either, my situation was wrong place wrong time wrong people, I agree that fighting back is the only option some times, but even in extreme circumstances you need to think clearly of your actions and not just do the first thing you think of, thats why i don't carry a weapon, i'd always feel the need to use it, most likey if had shot one and not killed him, the end result would be the same as if you did kill him, his people would come back, and either try to kill you, try to wreck your fathers shop, or try to ge whoever they could who was working there...an eye for an eye.

I'm not criticizing your actions, or your thoughts, many people i know would have shot the kid, i'm just saying it's always best to approach these things with a clear view of what's going on.


Well-Known Member
Storm, I would SO rep you for that, if the system would let me.

Too many punk ass kids think they're hard because they have a gun. Whatever happened to fucking handling your shit like a man? Whatever happened to using your fists, and just settling it?
I'm glad you see what i'm saying, I'm not old by anyone's standards but i've seen enough war in my years (street and militarily) to know that a gun is the weapon of choice for a coward, if i need to fight, my fist is always there, no chains, no bats no blades, nothing but what i was born with, and if i were facing a gun in a fight i would die by the barrel of a coward.

I refuse to take something as important as life, with something a foolish as a bullet.


Well-Known Member
Yeah ok...own a business...use your fists and lose half of your business.. and I bet you wouldnt even be able to afford a computer to type that bs on...I'm not attacking you, or maybe you're not seeing things from my perspective...I know I did the right thing...and I dont agree with 5O that often but that's what they said too...so until you have to go thru the same crap I have to everday I dont think you will understand

Storm, I would SO rep you for that, if the system would let me.

Too many punk ass kids think they're hard because they have a gun. Whatever happened to fucking handling your shit like a man? Whatever happened to using your fists, and just settling it?


Well-Known Member
Nah I completely feel you man. It's just that I know my rights and if I have to put up with this shit everyday I have to take some drastic actions to minimize it. I have to make sure I have a safe environment for all of my customers because if they get hurt in my shop then guess what...it's gonna be partly my fault for not providing a safe environment for them. Anyhow everything is on camera and they're gone...I'm not a cruel person...It's just that the same guy got in a knife fight at our store a few weeks back and tried to say we sold him alcohol...so I dont care what anyone says...I'm doing whats right by the law to keep my pops shop open and keep food on our plates.:peace:

when i got shot it wasn't in the same circumstance when i was stabbed it wasn't either, my situation was wrong place wrong time wrong people, I agree that fighting back is the only option some times, but even in extreme circumstances you need to think clearly of your actions and not just do the first thing you think of, thats why i don't carry a weapon, i'd always feel the need to use it, most likey if had shot one and not killed him, the end result would be the same as if you did kill him, his people would come back, and either try to kill you, try to wreck your fathers shop, or try to ge whoever they could who was working there...an eye for an eye.

I'm not criticizing your actions, or your thoughts, many people i know would have shot the kid, i'm just saying it's always best to approach these things with a clear view of what's going on.


Well-Known Member
wanting someone to attemp to stab you so you could shoot them with the new gun daddy bought you.

Get a grip!


Well-Known Member
i think you're having trouble seeing what im saying, i did have to deal with that shit for a long time, people who fuck around and shoot someone in a rushed situation because they panic go to jail, and lose their shit,go ahead and say what im telling you is BS, but iassure you if the cops had rolled up and the kid was bleeding on the ground, you'd have never writtent his post because you'd still be down at the station getting asked why you shot the kid..."was it because he was mexican?" "you said he had a knife, but he said you hit him first and his friend says it too" all that bullshit nobody wants to deal with, so save the BS sad story, all i said was pulling a gun or even talking bout pulling a gun, isn't the correct course of action, i agreed with you he should be punished, as soon as they asked someone to buy alcohol they were panhandling in front of your store, call the cops then, get a criminal trespass against them, you let it progress to the point of potential violence and for that you are at fault, if i had some junky in front of my studio (my business...of my own) i would call the cops, not cuz i'm a pussy, not cuz I like cops, but because i don't need to deal with bullshit.

feel me?

EDIT: didnt see the quote wasn't mine, im a stoner, but the general message still stands..not trying to instigate a fight here...