I just deleted my facebook account


Well-Known Member
Because, fuck facebook. facebook isn't real life, it's a garbage distraction, a perverse attention seeking tool, I refuse to buy into that way of communicating. My real friends and family know my number...if they need me they can pick up the fucking phone. If that's too much trouble for them they can go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.

Just paranoid

Active Member
im so over facebook but my family insists on contacting me only there. i dont play the stupid games any more. its full of judgemental people that think they have a right to nit pick your life. fuck that


Well-Known Member
All anybody does on there is post pictures to prove that they actually went out of the house and did something. Hey look! this is me at a concert! Hey look! This is me rock climbing! Aren't I so interesting with diverse hobbies?! Get the fuck out of here..I'm living life for me from now on.


Well-Known Member
People bitch about the NSA but have no problem sharing all their important info on a site whose owner has been proven to sale said info to anyone willing to buy it.

there's a head scratcher for you.


Well-Known Member
What's a flying fuck at a rolling donut ?

I get shit from friends because I'm not on Facebook, at least I don't sound like a teenage girl taking about everybody I USED to know ..
oh well, guess I'll just miss out:spew:


Well-Known Member
Im only 31 and I have never had face book....cause Fuck it thats why I like imaginary friends that I will porbably never meet like I have here not ones that may come around and then it be all awkward cause I am or am not the person the perceived me to be on the internet.Fuck Face book right in its fucking ass...tightpockt that is the best decision anyone can make... Im proud of you


Staff member
i use facebook , mostly my family on there, they dont live in the same area as me and long distance charges are alot and i like to see pictures of my little cousins growing up ect


Well-Known Member
i use facebook , mostly my family on there, they dont live in the same area as me and long distance charges are alot and i like to see pictures of my little cousins growing up ect
well, there's that. That's different. But why not Skype?


Staff member
well, there's that. That's different. But why not Skype?
yeah we skype sometimes but i like to see the pics she puts up on facebook....cannot skype 24/7 also my other cousin is in thailand and has been for the last 3 months and now hes off to china, so its nice to see his photos too.
i enjoy using facebook to connect with my family from out of town. feels like im there without being there and im not missing important things