I just took 3 ecstasy

It’s been awhile, enjoy! I’d be scared to take any mdma these days with all the fentanyl ODs and what not. Was sketchy back in the days too, never really know what’s in that stamped pill.

Aw mate that’s terrible, I’ve heard about all the drugs cut with fentanyl in North America, luckily here in the U.K. it doesn’t seem to be the case, fentanyls still pretty hard to get over here without a prescription so it’s not a viable choice of cutting agent for U.K. producers yet
Some is definitely better than others. The first time I took it is was really good shit. I took a hit with a friend with benefits at a casino. We sat down in the restaurant, ordered food. Then the food came out and I wasn't hungy anymore.

Was playing slots with old ladies all around and we were all having a good time. I was kicking ass and won a couple hundred. They had no idea I was high as fuck. I thought I must look fine until I saw myself in the mirror and was like WTF, we better leave, :lol:
Some is definitely better than others. The first time I took it is was really good shit. I took a hit with a friend with benefits at a casino. We sat down in the restaurant, ordered food. Then the food came out and I wasn't hungy anymore.

Was playing slots with old ladies all around and we were all having a good time. I was kicking ass and won a couple hundred. They had no idea I was high as fuck. I thought I must look fine until I saw myself in the mirror and was like WTF, we better leave, :lol:

Casinos don't care. The majority of those people are way high, who could stand to be there sober?

I am tier 1 old. Literally every story I have is "so like 20 years ago…".

My mid 20's were boring, my 30's were a f'n blast though.

Some is definitely better than others. The first time I took it is was really good shit. I took a hit with a friend with benefits at a casino. We sat down in the restaurant, ordered food. Then the food came out and I wasn't hungy anymore.

Was playing slots with old ladies all around and we were all having a good time. I was kicking ass and won a couple hundred. They had no idea I was high as fuck. I thought I must look fine until I saw myself in the mirror and was like WTF, we better leave, :lol:

Went one a 3 day long roll about 12 years ago at a music festival, while working my 2nd degree. Got to school on Monday after partying like I was in my 20's again. One of the students looked at me and said, "You okay man, you look like death." I replied, "Yeah, why?" Got home and looked in the mirror and yikes, I'd lost like almost 10 lbs over the weekend.
I was part of a group of codependent multi-drug users, I can spend days talking about trips.
These are Porsche Es

quite strong and we’re cheapish too £5 for one as opposed to the £10 people have been charging for a long time.
120mg was 'quite strong' in the 90s when 60-100 was common. The ones I buy nowadays are 240-280mg, which I break in 4 or even 6 pieces. 360mg is way too much man. Take 60mg, then 3-4 hours later maybe take 60mg again. I do that once every 6-8 weeks, sleep normal, no dips. Very cheap indeed nowadays. I used to sell them for 25 guilders, roughly £10. 1000% profit. Now kids sell them to each other for £3 - they even call it candy nowadays.