I kind of miss this dude

Fucking idiot son of an asshole. Too fucking dumb to eat pretzels, but apparently smart enough to rig an election. Moved right into the white house even though half the country voted against his dumb ass. Beady eyes. Kind of dyslexic. Can he even read? No one is really quite sure. He signed lots of stuff. He liked to execute people. Bought his way through school. Bought his way into the presidency. He loved naps. He really loved nap time. I swear, I would rather eat a bullet than see another bush in office.

Sometimes I like to read Pinny ...this was great ...thanks Pin!​
Fucking idiot son of an asshole. Too fucking dumb to eat pretzels, but apparently smart enough to rig an election. Moved right into the white house even though half the country voted against his dumb ass. Beady eyes. Kind of dyslexic. Can he even read? No one is really quite sure. He signed lots of stuff. He liked to execute people. Bought his way through school. Bought his way into the presidency. He loved naps. He really loved nap time. I swear, I would rather eat a bullet than see another bush in office.

oh, no, no no..that was daddy bush and company..just like it is now for baby bush..they've implemented the "bush formula".

Sometimes I like to read Pinny ...this was great ...thanks Pin!​

"Organizations such as ACT are encouraging people to vote....and that's just wrong. I mean, ever since this country was founded.... a thousand years ago.......*cut*..........So, stick with Bushy, and don't vote..........
and don't listen to liberals....or Democrats....or other Republicans.....that make fun of me.......or read the news.... or watch the news.......except for fox. Thank you and god bless."

jeb's family is an embarrassment..if he can't lead his family, how can we expect him to lead the country?

Bush Embarrassed By Wife's Run-in With Customs

TALLAHASSEE — Florida first lady Columba Bush made a mistake and "feels horrible" about her embarrassing run-in with U.S. Customs agents late last week, a chagrined Gov. Jeb Bush said Monday.

"I can assure you it was a difficult weekend at our house," the governor said. "She knew that what she did was wrong and [she] made a mistake."

Columba Bush was briefly detained and fined at Atlanta's Hartsfield International Airport on Thursday after her arrival following a five-day shopping spree in Paris. The governor was not with her. She declared only $500 worth of merchandise on a Customs form at the airport. But during a random check, agents found receipts indicating the governor's wife was toting about $19,000 worth of clothing and jewelry bought in France.

Using a personal check, she paid $4,100 in duty and fines on the items. She was then allowed to continue to Tallahassee.

Still, the episode dogged the governor on Monday when he was forced to answer questions about his wife's run-in before signing into law a sweeping education reform package.

"It is a lot of money. But look, that's between her and me," said Gov. Bush, adding that his wife was embarrassed by the incident. "The mistake was not filling out the form at Customs properly -- that was the mistake," said the governor, who has reported a net worth of $2.4 million.

The question on many people's minds was why Columba Bush, an accomplished international traveler, disclosed only $500 in purchases.

wonder why that was never brought into the campaign mix?..i never heard of this until now.
Prescott Bush and a guy named George Herbert Walker were major financiers.


Funny how the male grandkids are named after the business partner.

Do you ever really hear the truth, or all of the story?

The media tells people what to think, who to dismiss, who to trust. Haven't you ever watched Citizen Kane?
Prescott Bush and a guy named George Herbert Walker were major financiers.


Funny how the male grandkids are named after the business partner.

Do you ever really hear the truth, or all of the story?

The media tells people what to think, who to dismiss, who to trust. Haven't you ever watched Citizen Kane?

i never even heard the story. i've heard of the movie/book haven't seen..similar to mr. smith goes to washington?
i never even heard the story. i've heard of the movie/book haven't seen..similar to mr. smith goes to washington?
It was filmed 74 years ago and destroyed the career of Orwell. It also dug deep into the truth of the media.
It is considered the best movie of all time by many, Im surprised you haven't seen it and have no idea what its about.

Nothing like Mr Smith goes to Washington
