I Know I Shouldn't Have

I got antsy and pulled a clone up from the peat pellet just to see. Its been 8 days of keepin em moist and in a dome at 73degrees they have not wilted at all nor yellowed or any other thing im worried about just real curious and found on the only one i pulled two roots about 1/4 to 3/8 inch long. 2 questions is this enuff to go into soil. and do you think I may have pulled some growth off I felt no resistance whatsoever. and I know shame on me 1st time cloning some afghani i grew from seed and wanna get em sexed cuz they are screaming 12/12 please lol


Sector 5 Moderator
We'll give you a pass this time. ...cause we've done it too. What Grotesque said: no more peeking! :)


Well-Known Member
patience is a vertue. your plants will talk to you. they will tell you when they are ready, hungry, thirsty, etc. just listen and wait.
lol thanx guys still no droop just a lil yellowing on the edges of leaves where i cut em in half other than that all green and good think they may be going into soil tonight. Ive been usng ffof shold i use somethng a lil lighter goin into thier first pot like light warrior or something or just straight to ocean forest.


Sector 5 Moderator
FFOF is great stuff. It's best not to disturb them any more than absolutely necessary, especially the root system. I think you're trying to love your plants to death. :) You're in good company though.