i know this is going to sound way stupid on my part


Active Member
i have about 15 plants w/ miracle gro in normal pots growing next to a constantly open window, watering every day, plants are only 3 weeks old and still under 1 foot, my tallest is about inch and a half out of surface. no lamps, no hydros, completely basic set up for any sort of other plant/flower. if i keep them this way will they bud? should i move them outside in a safe hidden area with sunlight? if so when should i move them out?

please don't reem me if i'm doing this whole thing all wrong, i just don't want to spend a bunch of money on a whole set up and lighting and everything as i'm still having to buy on the side for time be. please help me out here.


Well-Known Member
They do need more light then they will get in a window. Find a good safe site outside where they will get sun and plant them out when all danger of cool night time temps aren't a worry.Water and feed them during the growing season and you should do ok.


Well-Known Member
If you have a place outside you can feel good about put them outside. Sitting inside at the window isn't going to help them grow very fast or big. They need some real light. So if you don't want lights inside this is your best bet. Good luck.


Active Member
i'm in south carolina so i think i should get them out there soon. its seeds from some KB i paid 40 an eighth for but you can never be to sure. does the growing season end in late sept? how long you think till its perfect to pick? with 15 plants should it be a good amount?


Active Member
15 plants would produce a good amount of bud, but i wouldnt count on all 15 being females, and living thru the grow season. But get those babies outside, they need sunlight.


Active Member
I'm sort of doing the same thing but i am trying to utilise as much of the sunlight as possible such as putting the pots on top of my sky light when it is real hot.