I love Air Pots! Check out the pics of the root masses!


Active Member
Harvested a few ladies a couple days ago. First time using Air Pots. Wish I'd saved the root masses from the traditional pots I've been using. These things are awesome. Plants grew twice as large in veg, faster in flowering, and looking at the roots it's no surprise. No root circling, just a huge mass of white roots. Awesome, never going back. These were the 3.4G pots that I finished in. Anyway, this was something of an experiment for me, and they passed with flying colors.

Here's a few pics:
airpot 3.jpg
airpot 2.jpg
airpot 3.jpg

Here's the trainwreck that I just harvested out of one of them. 79 days flowering:

TW Day 79 (2).jpg

TW Day 79.jpg

And the Eva Seeds Missing that's now at 80-81 days (I think) and stillllll going:

Missing Day 78.jpg


Active Member
where do you find air pots.

i switched to from soil to dwc
made my own buckets and they grew twice as fast.
id like to try them if you know where to get em.


Active Member
where do you find air pots.

i switched to from soil to dwc
made my own buckets and they grew twice as fast.
id like to try them if you know where to get em.
I actually purchased mine at a local hydro store...you can find them on amazon, but they weren't much cheaper unless you bought 10+ and I only needed 4. Plus, I support the local shops as much as possible. They really are worth the cash if you're a soil grower. 4 of them is the same price as some fancy bottle of nutes (or less even) and the ROI on these is much much higher.


Active Member
I may have to try these..nice roots!
I was skeptical at first, as I am about anything and everything marketed to this industry. However, these things can grow monsters. First time I had to raise my lights all the way up, and actually remove the shelf that they were sitting on to give another 2' of vertical clearance. Even the typically smaller indicas I grew ended up 2x the normal size. Won't speed up your flowering time, but it'll make the flowers much much larger. My 2 cents.


New Member
i also use air pots. in fact in my soil i do only air pots. you can usually get them at your local hydro shop. otherwise http://www.htgsupply.com has them. they're one of the best online sites for grow equipment. you can reuse them also. i just clean mine out good with soapy water then make sure to rinse the soap out good. another advantage is if you have bugs they are forced to stay on top and wont be able to hide in the holes on the bottom or sides. spray the fuck out of your soil on top of the pot with dr doom bombs every couple weeks and it will really help keep any gnats at bay.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about these for next year's grow. I would probably transplant into the ground at some point.


New Member
I was thinking about these for next year's grow. I would probably transplant into the ground at some point.
that reminds me, another thing i like about these is when you transplant to outdoors, you can keep it in the pot. the roots will grow through into the ground. some ppl i know just bury the pot halfway underground into a bunch of good quality soil. im not so sure if they're reusable after this as the roots will get pretty big and might make too big of holes.


Active Member
https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/548403-man-eating-plant.html#post7886616 heres my dr grinspoon in a 15 gallon air pot. shes over 6 feet tall now indoors. if i didnt bend some of her branches she'd probably be over 8''. she eats visitors on occasion.
Awesome plant! The proof is in the pudding.

When I'd pull the roots out of the old normal pots I'd been using, there was so much dead space where it was just dirt and the roots hadn't grown. With the airpots, it's literally one solid mass of roots. With those photos I posted, I had actually banged the root mass on the ground a few times to shake off any loose dirt, and there was barely anything to shake off. The plants literally grew twice as large in the same period of time. Again, it's not going to shorten the flowering time, it's just going to give you a larger plant with larger buds. You do have to be a bit more vigilant when it comes to watering, since they dry out a little faster than normal pots, but I can't stay out of my grow room anyway, so that wasn't a big deal. Seriously, for the price of some overhyped nute additive you can pick up half a dozen of these pots...I guarantee you'll see a bigger difference with these pots than you will with any snake oil additive. End of story, I'm sold.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to use these to start my plants for my next outdoor grow (the 1.5 gallon size). What's the best type of soil to use for starting plants in air pots that will eventually be put into the ground?


Active Member
I'm going to use these to start my plants for my next outdoor grow (the 1.5 gallon size). What's the best type of soil to use for starting plants in air pots that will eventually be put into the ground?
Tough to say since I've never done any outdoor growing. I've gone straight up with Fox Farms Ocean Forest for my grows, and it hasn't given me any issues. I got really easy (as in, barely any nutes) during the first 2-3 weeks (so for most of veg). I may throw a little Liquid Karma in there, maybe some Fox Farm Big Bloom at 20% strength, as well as some of the free General Organics sample pack I got...just really cautious on the NPK that I give the plants in that first few weeks. I don't think you'd have any problem using FFOF and then transplanting into the ground, but I'd be speaking out of turn if I gave you a definitive answer. I can say, without a doubt, that the airpots are worth the money.


Well-Known Member
I like ffof too always gave me great results. But i dont grow organic i use gh flora series nutes with there kool blooms. So to save a little cash on soil ive been running straight promix (orange bale) its only $13 for a 4 cubic ft bale. I have to say i get the same results as i did with the ffof in a side by side. This is all indoors though.

Ive got various sizes of the air pots but id def recommend starting clones in the .3gal pots. They build awsome root structure right from the get go. Best $2 a pop investment ive made in my garden!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips! I ordered a bunch of airpots and am so excited about using them, I may use them to overwinter a couple of clones. Mnmobbin, what are the dimensions of the .3 air pot (WxH)? I was going to use my hydrofarm to start clones, but I may switch to the air pots.