I might quit alcohol and coffee??


Well-Known Member
Ever since I started smoking weed 2 months ago I have been drinking a lot less and I was lucky enough to never get addicted to coffee.

Both things kill people yearly, yet weed killed no one last year.


Well-Known Member
Don't try to quit Alcohol, you will tremble and your hands will shake and you will get sick and could have a seizure and die. Be very careful trying to quit alcohol, you would probably need to focus on cutting down each day until you can stop.


Active Member
Last time I "Quit" I went paranoid and thought my entire crop was molded. It was not. It was grade A++.

Im getting a mini fridge with flavored water and V8 juice and some 6 packs of good beer and quit buying 40oz.

My Dr said Vitamin B and magnesium will help.


Well-Known Member
you have to be a serious alcoholic to die from withdrawals.i just quit drinking one day and i went through withdrawals and it sucked but i got through it. and since caffeine is a stimulant and it affects my anxiety, i quit anything that has caffeine in it. itll be a year august 1st since ive had a drink.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
add up all the money youll save over a year. that helped me quit cigs,coffee,and booz. the money factor is all i needed but now i feel alot better too.bongsmilie