I need a fungi expert to look at this


Well-Known Member
This is my rove beetle farm and it’s growing this white fuzzy fungi that looks like it’s eating gnats & possibly a rove beetle or 2. Is this beneficial fungi or should I restart the farm? Could it possibly be beauveria bassiana? I’ve heard beauveria bassiana devours things like root aphids. In which case it’s beneficial? But it looks like it’s getting out of control. I’m gonna change the oatmeal out for sure, but should I possibly start with fresh soil? I know too much of any one thing is not good. Any fungi experts that can help me figure out my next move?10BFA1D8-EFD0-4BDF-B0F5-79EEFB195CC5.jpeg3B3905B5-F54D-4E6E-8CD5-1336CCF85CC7.jpeg