i need a little advice


Active Member
i had a female plant in my window. it was about a week old. i have a younger brother who hates bud. he found my plant and burnt the leaves off..... now its just a green stick in the ground. im not to sure how to try and save it and im out o seeds. i need some advice :( i dont want to loose it


Well-Known Member
id tell ur parents. i mean i assume u are live at home still, and your parent/s should know ur growing in their house, so they obviously approve making ur brother in the wrong. u cant do anything with the plant so id make sure when u try again ur brother knows hell get in trouble if he fucks with ur plant.


Well-Known Member
You'll need lots of wood and rope... Create a teepee of logs around a standing log, make sure it's secure. Tie your brother to it.... Burn him!

Just kidding.


Well-Known Member
The plant may come back, but most likely not. You just have to give it a little time in the same conditions (not hidden outside) and see. They're tough but not always _that_ tough.