i need easy

I want to start growing a plant. I'm very busy so I need the easiest way to go.

I have lots of bags of seeds, so i'm just going to use those. I plan to grow indoors but I don't have a whole lot of room. I can't grow in a closet...there's no room in there. So, i figured just in my room.

I just need to know the basics of planting the seed and taking care of it.

I've done a little research but a lot of what i find, i just don't have the time or money.



Well-Known Member
I just need to know the basics of planting the seed and taking care of it.

I've done a little research but a lot of what i find, i just don't have the time or money.

the basics of planting a seed, put it in paper towel and sprout it, put it in the ground, water as needed.........then come on here, post a pic and ask someone to help you.

if you've done alittle reaserch you will know that if you want to just randomly grow a seed you can make a https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/211939-power-strip-cfl-fixture.html and grow 2 plants for under $60. but you need to be there daily to water and feed it. and upgrade the lighting as the plants grow

for a CFL set-up, i just spent $50 at home depot and made a 6 light CFL power strip, i ended up going and buying 2 more set-ups because they were so cheap, ended up with enough lights to start a clone room for my current grow (to be released soon.....)

but all-in-all, if you dont have the money or time it will just be a dissapointment for you, the buds wont be the way you thought and so on so forth. when i started , i knew i would be putting at least $5000 doll hairs into it over the next year...........