I Need Hand Holding


New Member
been vegging w/ cfl's with real good results. that being said I would like to get a 250watt hps setup. i have no idea what to look for, i would like a whole kit so that i dont have to piece it al together. now for the money side of things , thats the key. would like to get some low,med,high end model costs if possible.
all the know how i have, most of which came from these forums has really helped me.

thanks all

Zippo Guy

I'd go for something dimmable, 400w-600w, and make sure it's a reputable brand as the ballast needs to be good quality for the bulb to be used efficiently.
Lumatek and Gavita are brands i have owned and am currently using the Lumatek.



Well-Known Member
Get yourself a sun systems 2 setup, all in one. The thing people dont understand is that You WILL BE REPLACING EQUIPMENT DOWN THE ROAD. They dont last forever, so with that said, if the cheap route is for you, buy cheap. All you need is one harvest to get a ROI if you plan on selling. If you are doing it for personal reasons and want results for the money, well you gotta spend the money.

Gotta have dough to make bread$.
You could try htg supply they have the floralux 250w hps for like 145 i think. Its all ready to go just plug it in but its heavy and gets pretty hot. They also have a 400w for cheaper than that.


Active Member
I was looking for a 250w and went to the local hydro shop and they talked me into the 400w. At that price point you don't pay much more..I actually ended up going with the sun system 2 and like it for the most part. Only draw back with having ballast in hood setup is ballast has to be in room with light (heat) but With air duct hood and a 4" inline fan it keeps my closet temps down. Also it is kind of heavy which makes it a little tougher to raise and lower but not a huge issue.